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恐怖驚悚人聲 Fallout Music Group Unsung KONTAKT







在樣本文件夾中,你會發現一個名爲“FMG Unsung 24bit 48k waves”的文件夾。如果你喜歡使用wav文件,你會發現這裏有驚人的自由。也就是說,我們建議使用gui來随機創建基本的啓動聲音。然後它很容易操作和導出到音頻進一步處理。在這個文件夾中,你會發現3個子文件夾中有以下wav文件:

設計的聲音:這個文件夾包含了許多聲音(hit, risers, rhythm和whoosh hit),所有這些都是Unsung制作的,然後經過更多的處理,爲預告片做好準備。



注意:安裝後,你會發現一個名爲FMG Unsung 24bit 48k waves的文件夾,裏面有所有這些文件。無論您在哪裏安裝儀器,此文件夾将位于Samples文件夾中。


需要NI Kontakt Player或Kontakt FULL v6.7或更高版本!


Unlock a sonic goldmine with Unsung, a groundbreaking collection of tools designed for horror and tension composers. Crafted almost entirely from atonal, vocal sounds, Unsung provides a raw, bizarre, and utterly unique sonic signature that you won’t find anywhere else.

Are you tired of the same old vocal instruments? Unsung is here to shatter the mold. This is not about vocal phrases or singing – this is about exploring the uncharted territories of vocal sound. From eerie tongue clicks and haunting breaths to unsettling grunts and bizarre throat noises, Unsung’s nearly 1200 samples are a treasure trove for sound designers and composers. If you’ve been struggling to carve out your own distinctive sonic identity, Unsung is the secret weapon you’ve been waiting for.

Imagine the power of creating custom hits, spine-chilling risers, and one-of-a-kind rhythmic patterns that stand out in every composition. Whether you’re using Kontakt or integrating the raw samples and expertly designed WAV files into your projects, Unsung gives you the tools to break free from the ordinary and elevate your sound design to new heights.

Don’t settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary. Transform your compositions with Unsung and leave a lasting impression on every listener.

Includes 3 different Kontakt instruments & a full set of wav samples (including extra designed sounds):

Included in the Samples folder you will find a folder named ‘FMG Unsung 24bit 48k Wavs’. If you prefer working with wav files, you will find an amazing amount of freedom here. That said, we suggest using the GUIs to randomize and create your basic starter sound. Then it is easy to manipulate and export to audio for further processing. Within this folder you will find 3 sub-folders with the following wav files:

Designed Sounds: This folder contains dozens of sounds (hits, risers, rhythms and whoosh hits) all created by Unsung and then taken through more processing to be trailer-ready.

Preset Exports: This folder contains a wav file export of each of the Riser and Hit presets found in the GUIs. If you want a quick start to adding additional processing to a preset you like, just grab these and jump in.

Raw Sounds: In this folder you will find the individual samples used in the instruments, including the individual riser, percussion and whoosh sources.

NOTE: After install, you will find a folder named FMG Unsung 24bit 48k Wavs with all of these files. This folder will be in the Samples folder wherever you installed the instrument.

Requires NI Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.7 or later!

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