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打击乐器 – East West Stormdrum 2 v1.0.6-R2R

Team R2R | 2022.01.03 | 17.28 GB

QUANTUM LEAP STORMDRUM 2 是 QUANTUM LEAP STORMDRUM(有史以来最畅销的基于声学打击乐器的虚拟乐器之一)的续集。 QUANTUM LEAP SD2 的大小是原始 Stormdrum 的两倍多,具有超过 12 GB 的全新(除了包括来自 Ministry Of Rock 的 Metallica 黑色鼓组)声学打击乐器。包括的鼓和打击乐的独特选择超过了所有其他系列。作为 STORMDRUM 的续集,它设定了新的标准,将超出拥有 QUANTUM LEAP 产品的每个人的期望。

还包括 100 多个以电影乐谱为导向的 MIDI PERFORMANCES,每个都有数十种变化、前奏和结尾,从夸张到催眠。 PLAY 软件允许每个 MIDI 演奏有数百万种变化,因此您可以在任何速度下创建自定义演奏而不会损失任何音质,因为样本没有时间拉伸,只有音序器速度会改变。想要将其从 120 BPM 减慢到 50 BPM?只需更改序列的速度,声音就会保持原始状态。想要将语气改为更激进或更微妙的吗?只需改变动态,就会惊叹于 24 力度多采样打击乐创造出全新的声音。想要为特定的鼓调音、添加效果或过滤器?没问题。想要静音特定的声音并在您自己的部分中播放吗?没问题。声音替换?没问题。喜欢表演的声音,但不喜欢节奏?只需使用当前的复合音色来创建您自己的节奏。

QUANTUM LEAP SD2 – THE NEXT GENERATION 取材于三位打击乐手的秘密收藏,具有一些可以想象的最惊人、最独特的多采样打击乐,所有这些都在著名的 EASTWEST STUDIO ONE(前身为 United-Western)中使用老式 Neumann 麦克风录制,用于那种明显无误的好莱坞声场氛围和远远超出任何其他商业打击乐器系列的声音。

* 由尼克菲尼克斯制作
* 包括超过 12 GB 的打击乐疯狂!
* 包括 100 多个 MIDI 演奏文件


QUANTUM LEAP STORMDRUM 2 is the sequel to QUANTUM LEAP STORMDRUM (one of the best selling acoustic percussion based virtual instruments ever released). QUANTUM LEAP SD2 is over twice the size of the original Stormdrum, featuring over 12 Gigabytes of ALL NEW (except the included Metallica black drum kit from Ministry Of Rock) acoustic percussion instruments. The unique selection of drums and percussion included exceeds all other collections. As a sequel to STORMDRUM it sets new standards that will exceed the expectations of everyone who owns a QUANTUM LEAP product.

Also included are 100+ film score oriented MIDI PERFORMANCES, each with dozens of variations, intros and endings from bombastic to hypnotic. The PLAY software allows for millions of variations of each midi performance so you can create custom performances at any tempo without any loss of sound quality because the samples are not time-stretched, only the sequencer tempo is changed. Want to slow it down from 120 BPM to 50 BPM? Simply change the tempo of your sequence, the sounds will remain pristine. Want to change the tone to something more aggressive, or something more subtle? Simply change the dynamics and marvel as 24 velocity multi-sampled percussion creates a completely new sound. Want to tune, add effects or filters to specific drums? No problem. Want to mute specific sounds and play in your own parts? No problem. Sound replacement? No problem. Like the sound of a performance, but don’t like the rhythm? Simply use the current multi to create your own rhythms.

Drawing from the secret collections of three percussionists, QUANTUM LEAP SD2 – THE NEXT GENERATION features some of the most amazing, and unique multi-sampled percussion imaginable, all recorded with vintage Neumann microphones in the famous EASTWEST STUDIO ONE (formally United-Western) for that unmistakable Hollywood sound-stage vibe and a sound far beyond any other commercial percussion collection.

* Produced by NICK PHOENIX
* Includes over 12 Gigabytes of percussion insanity!
* Includes 100+ MIDI Performance files

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