File size: 105 MB
使用 capella,您可以立即創建完整的樂譜……沒有其他記譜程序可以像 capella 那樣手把手地引導您獲得第一個自己的樂譜。 無需完全掌握計算機知識——您隻需跟随您的音樂想象力,其餘的由卡佩拉完成。 您很快就會完成您的第一個評分表。
… 與來自傳統制譜工匠的一樣好。
capella 的性價比是無與倫比的。
… 歡迎用戶提供信息和最新消息。 簡單導航到下一個工作步驟。
capella 支持獨特的 capella-tune 技術,讓您完全控制 capella 的音調調色闆。 顫音、動态漸變、對無伴奏維也納管弦樂隊的支持、回聲效果以及根據搖擺或華爾茲節奏播放等裝飾都在播放過程中得到體現。 使用 capella,您使用的是 Soundfont 技術。 這樣您就不再依賴聲卡的普通 MIDI 聲音或昂貴的聲音庫。 您隻需加載您最喜歡的音色。 其中許多是免費的。
SystemTemplate 是您樂譜的“平面圖”。 在這裏,确定了最重要的特征。 所有這一切都發生在左側區域 – 操作起來非常直觀。 五線譜上的間距、括号、小節線都可以用鼠标拖動。 名字是當場輸入的。 從列表中選擇聲音 – 等等。 真的很舒服!
使用鼠标從預定義的托盤中選擇圖形對象。 專家可以根據 capella 字符集中可用的符号來定義自己的個人托盤。
所有圖形對象都可以縮放、拉伸和壓縮,并且可以放在音符的前面或後面。 例如,覆蓋整個頁面的水印可以放置在樂譜下方。
在 Musicalion 上搜索樂譜
Capella 與在線樂譜庫 直接相連。 在這裏,您可以搜索并找到可供下載的樂譜 – 您可以從大約 38,000 種樂譜中進行選擇! 而且你甚至不需要離開 capella 就可以這樣做。
…并上傳到 Musicalion
現在在 Musicalion 上分享音樂非常容易,因爲您可以直接從 capella 上傳您的樂譜。 Musicalion 以相互的方式運作:當您提供樂譜時,您爲會員支付的費用就會減少。
capella 文件格式是标準的
因爲已經有超過 300,000 名注冊用戶在使用 capella,就符号程序而言,capella 的文件格式已成爲标準。 事實上,您會在 Internet 上的私人收藏中找到數以千計的免費樂譜。
With capella you can instantly create complete scores … No other notation program will take you by the hand and gently guide you towards your first own score in the manner in which capella does it. There is no need to be fully computer literate – you just follow your musical imagination and capella does the rest. Within no time you will have completed your first score sheet.
capella is everywhere
In the country of Beethoven, Bach and Reger, capella has become the de facto standard for notation editors amongst musicians from all walks of life.
Unique concept
While beginners will immediately be able to record their creative ideas, professionals will continue to enjoy the immense depth of features and possibilities.
Professional print results
… as good as they came from traditional notation craftsmen.
capella’s value for money is unsurpassed.
User-friendly operation
Edit area to the right: All elements are displayed in a clear layout depending on the context.
The start screen…
… welcomes the user with information and latest news. Simple navigation to the next work step.
Listening and playback
capella supports the unique capella-tune technology, putting you in complete control of capella’s tonal palette. Ornaments like trills, dynamic gradations, support for capella Vienna orchestra, echo effects and playback according to swing or Waltz rhythms are all reflected during playback. With capella you are using the Soundfont technology. This way you are not depending any more on the mediocre MIDI sounds of a sound card or on expensive sound libraries. You simply load the soundfont which you like best. Many of them are free.
Interactive SystemTemplate
The SystemTemplate is the “floor plan” for your score. Here, the most important features are determined. All this happens in the left area – very intuitively to operate. Spacings, brackets, barlines across staves are all dragged with the mouse. Names are entered on the spot. Sounds are selected from the list – and much more. Really comfortable!
Adding graphics to the score
Graphic objects are selected from pre-defined pallets using the mouse. Experts can define their own individual pallets from the symbols available in capella’s character set.
Versatile graphic objects
All graphic objects can be scaled, stretched and compressed and can be placed in front or behind the notes. This way for example watermarks covering the entire page can be placed underneath the score.
Search for scores on Musicalion
capella has direct connection to the online score library Here, you search and find scores for download – you can choose from around 38,000 scores! And you don’t even need to leave capella to do so.
… and upload to Musicalion
Now it is very easy to share music on Musicalion as you can directly upload your score from capella. Musicalion works on mutual terms: When you deliver scores, you pay less for your membership.
capella file format is the standard
Because more than 300,000 registered users are already working with capella, capella’s file format has become the standard as far as notation programs are concerned. Indeed, you will find thousands of free scores in private collections across the Internet.