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摇滚贝斯 – Ilya Efimov Rock Bass KONTAKT

P2P | 03 December 2019 | 5.85 GB

Ilya Efimov Rock Bass是我们低音乐器库系列的独特补充。它捕获了用拨片(拨片)演奏的高端Sadowsky NYC 5弦贝斯的声音。更不用说Sadowsky公司本身就是一家受人尊敬的贝司吉他制造商,此外,用于采样的特定乐器还具有强劲的低端冲头和很高的密封性。由于这种独特而平衡的音调,许多著名的摇滚乐手和流行音乐人都选择了萨多斯基乐器。我们知道一些客户一直渴望获得这种采样低音。


但是,Ilya Efimov Rock Bass引入了一些新功能–例如Downstroke模式,可以演奏稳定的低音,这在硬摇滚音乐中很常见。此外,还增加了追溯循环算法,即使您以相同的速度持续按下键,每次触发新样本时也会避免“机枪效应”。加上一个特殊的按键开关,现在可以将循环顺序重置为初始位置。所以现在您可以摇滚!!!

Ilya Efimov Rock Bass is a unique addition to the line of our bass libraries. It captures the sound of a hi-end Sadowsky NYC 5 string bass played with a pick (plectrum). Not to mention that Sadowsky company itself is a respected bass guitars manufacturer, moreover the particular instrument used for sampling had strong low-end punch accompanying with great tightness. Due to such distinct and balanced tone many famous rock and pop musicians made they choice in favor Sadowsky instruments. We know that some our customers have been longing for such kind of sampled bass.

Like all our previous bass libraries this one is easy and intuitive to use due to a sophisticated algorithm, which automatically selects strings, changes left-hand position on the fretboard and turns on/off legato in real time. And as before three playing techniques are included in a single patch – pick, slap, palm-mute and additional articulations. Customary Open String mode, Chord Detection mode and X-note mode are also there, as well as Repetition keys and FX noises controls.

However Ilya Efimov Rock Bass introduces some new functions – like Downstroke mode, allowing playing steady bass parts so usual in hard rock music. Also there was added a retrospective round-robin algorithm, triggering each time a new sample avoiding “machine-gun effect” even if you keep pressing a key at the same velocity. Plus a special keyswitch now provides resetting of the round robin sequence to the initial position. So now you can Rock!!!


•5.8 ncw compression format
•7414 samples, 24 bit, 44.1 KHz
•Up to 14 velocity layers, 22 frets on each string with round-robin algorithm
•Pick, Slap and Palm-Mute articulations in one patch
•Different natural legato for Pick, Slap and Palm-Mute articulations
•Thumb and Pop slap articulations with Auto and Manual selection
•Special Downstroke articulation
•Auto and Manual String and Position Selection
•Attack control
•Two variants of Slide-ups, Flageolets and X-notes (with two modes of performance)
•Repetition keys for X-notes and last articulations
•Realistic glissando note-to-note
•AMP cabinet and Bass tone effects
•Multiple FX and Noises (strokes, fret noises, releases)

Required FULL retail Kontakt 5.6

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