Team V.R | 16 December 2021 | 907 MB
专业制作音乐所需的每个插件都集中在一个套件中。 获取 RX Pro for Music、VocalSynth Pro、Ozone Pro、Neutron Pro、Nectar Pro、Neoverb Pro、Tonal Balance Control Pro、Insight Pro、Melodyne 5 Essential,以及所有 Pro 产品的预设、样本和更新。 使用来自行业专家的会员专享内容来增加您的技能,教您音乐制作的来龙去脉。
Every plug-in you’ll need to professionally produce music, all in one suite. Get access to RX Pro for Music, VocalSynth Pro, Ozone Pro, Neutron Pro, Nectar Pro, Neoverb Pro, Tonal Balance Control Pro, Insight Pro, Melodyne 5 Essential, along with presets, samples, and updates on all Pro products. Add to your skillset with member-exclusive content from industry experts teaching you the ins and outs of music production.
Neutron Pro v3.8.0
Ozone Pro v9.11.0
RX Pro for Music v9.1.1
Nectar Pro v3.6.1
Melodyne v5.1.1
Relay v1.2.1
Visual Mixer v3.7.0
Neoverb Pro v1.1.0
Tonal Balance Control Pro v2.4.0
VocalSynth Pro v2.4.1
Insight Pro v2.2.0