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旗舰合成器 – Spectrasonics Omnisphere v2.8.2c UPDATE WiN-vkDanilov

vkDanilov | 10 December 2021 | 820 MB

Omnisphere 2.8 – 无限可能
Omnisphere® 是 Spectrasonics 的旗舰合成器 – 一种具有非凡力量和多功能性的乐器。世界各地的顶级艺术家都将 Omnisphere 作为声音灵感的重要来源。这款屡获殊荣的软件将多种不同类型的合成融合到一个令人惊叹的乐器中,激发一生的探索。

Omnisphere 是世界上唯一提供硬件合成器集成功能的软件合成器。这项非凡的创新将超过 65 个著名的硬件合成器转变为广泛的动手控制器,从而解锁 Omnisphere 新扩展的合成功能。简而言之,这项突破性的功能让使用 Omnisphere 感觉就像使用硬件合成器一样!通过弥合软件和硬件之间的物理体验差距,用户可以通过使用其支持的硬件合成器的熟悉布局来直观地控制 Omnisphere。虚拟乐器用户现在可以体验硬件合成器工作流程的乐趣,硬件合成器用户可以将他们的能力完全扩展到 Omnisphere 广阔的声音世界!

• 修复了使用自定义控件保存 Ableton Live Rack 预设的问题
• 修复了调制目标参数滑块不起作用的问题
• 修复了“粒度缩放”窗格上的“开/关”按钮可能会出现的问题
• 修复了 Orb Dice 按钮有时会显示
• 修复了 Orb 在 Motion 中没有按预期录制的问题
• 修复了图层独奏开/关指示器不正确的问题
• 修复了 Attack、Decay 和 Release Envelope 参数读取的问题
来自现有补丁的限制为 20 秒
• 修复了 Keyscape Factory 补丁中的“Realism”控件可能会出现的问题
暂时冻结 GUI
• 修复了使用自定义快速更改补丁时可能发生的崩溃
• 修复了卫星乐器的声源版本号的问题
• 仅适用于 Windows:修复了在 Soundsource 处于播放状态时播放 MIDI 音符的问题
加载可能会导致 CPU 峰值和音频故障
• 仅适用于 Windows:修复了使用细化播放声源的问题
启用可能会导致 CPU 峰值和音频故障
• VST3:修复了从主机加载 VST3 预设可能导致
不正确的信息显示在 GUI 上
• VST3:修复了创建新参数自动化分配的问题
在 REAPER 和 Bitwig Studio 中不起作用


► 没有定时炸弹
► 无需注册机(只需安装)


Omnisphere 2.8 – Endless Possibilities
Omnisphere® is the flagship synthesizer of Spectrasonics – an instrument of extraordinary power and versatility. Top Artists all over the world rely on Omnisphere as an essential source of sonic inspiration. This award-winning software brings many different types of synthesis together into one amazing-sounding instrument that will spark a lifetime of exploration.

Hardware Synth Integration
Omnisphere is the only software synth in the world to offer a Hardware Synth Integration feature. This remarkable innovation transforms over 65 well-known hardware synthesizers into extensive hands-on controllers that unlock Omnisphere’s newly expanded synthesis capabilities. Simply put, this ground-breaking feature makes using Omnisphere feel just like using a hardware synth! By bridging the physical experience gap between software and hardware, users gain intuitive control of Omnisphere by using the familiar layout of their supported hardware synth. Virtual instrument users can now experience the joy of the hardware synth workflow and hardware synth users can fully expand their capabilities into the vast sonic world of Omnisphere!

• Fixes issue where Ableton Live Rack presets saved with Custom Controls
patches did not display the Custom Controls page when reloaded
• Fixes issue where the Modulation Target Parameter sliders did not function
• Fixes issue where the On / Off buttons on Granular Zoom pane could
sometimes show the wrong state after clicking on it
• Fixes issue where the Orb Dice button could sometimes display the
incorrect highlight state
• Fixes issue where the Orb did not record as long as expected in Motion
• Fixes issue where the Layer solo on / off indicators were not properly
updated after loading a patch
• Fixes issue where Attack, Decay, and Release Envelope parameters read
from existing patches were limited to 20 seconds
• Fixes issue where the “Realism” control in Keyscape Factory patches could
freeze the GUI temporarily
• Fixes crash that could occur when rapidly changing patches with Custom
• Fixes issue where Soundsource version numbers for Satellite instruments
were not displayed on the splash pane
• Windows only: Fixes issue where playing MIDI notes while a Soundsource is
loading could cause CPU spikes and audio glitches
• Windows only: Fixes issue where playing a Soundsource with Thinning
enabled could cause CPU spikes and audio glitches
• VST3: Fixes issue where loading a VST3 preset from a Host could cause
incorrect info to be displayed on the GUI
• VST3: Fixes issue where creating new parameter automation assignments
did not work in REAPER and Bitwig Studio


Release Notes:
► no time bombs
► no keygen needed (just install)

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