Crystalline 站在 60 年追逐“DSP 的圣杯”的肩膀上。我们问自己,如果传奇数字混响的先驱们拥有我们今天拥有的资源,他们会做什么——然后我们就制作了这个插件。现代工程师需要的所有花里胡哨的东西。
* Crystalline 是一个新的、最先进的混响插件,具有原始和现代的声音
* 让您将混响开始和衰减时间同步到歌曲的速度
* 经典的 20 世纪录音室混响的演变——完全升级为今天
BPM 同步的开始和结束时间:
Crystalline 可让您将混响起音和衰减时间硬同步到 DAW 的速度。这通常会产生更清晰的混音,其中反射与音乐自然同步。
喜欢经典的方式?只需按下“Sync/MS”开关,Crystalline 就可以让您以毫秒为单位设置预延迟和衰减时间。
Crystalline stands on the shoulders of 60 years of chasing ‘the holy grail of DSP’. We’ve asked ourselves what the pioneers of the legendary digital reverbs would have done if they had the resources we have today – and then we’ve made exactly that plugin. With all the bells and whistles a modern engineer would need.
Make Space For Lushness
* Crystalline is a new, state-of-the-art, reverb plugin with a pristine and modern sound
* Gives you unprecedented creative control to shape your reflections
* Lets you sync reverb start and decay times to your song’s tempo
* An evolution of classic 20th century studio reverbs – fully upgraded for today
BPM-Synced Start And End Times:
Crystalline lets you hard-sync the reverb attack and decay time to your DAW’s tempo. This will generally result in cleaner mixes where the reflections are naturally in sync with the music.
Prefer the classic way? Just hit the “Sync/MS” switch and Crystalline lets you set pre-delay and decay times in milliseconds instead.
✱ Reflections Section:
– “Size” lets you set the room size from tiny to large. This control is detached from the “Length” control, meaning you can get any size/length combination you want, including esoteric settings like huge spaces with very short tails or tiny spaces with very long tails.
– “Sparkle” emphasizes high frequencies inside the reverb algorithm. This generates reflections that are naturally brighter, which will help you achieve that extra shine on vocals or snares.
– “Width” lets you set the stereo image of the reverb from mono to wide – and even further to extra wide.
✱ Depth Section:
– “Resolution” sets the complexity of the algorithm from ‘basic’ to ‘pristine’. More complex settings will give you an ultra-clean reverb response, free of metallic artifacts – while the ‘Basic’ setting will give you an efficient CPU performance at a normal fidelity.
– “Modulation” creates pitch variations inside the reverb algorithm. This results in a richer sound that works especially well to fatten up synths, guitars and vocals.
– “Shimmer” makes the high frequencies of the reverb tail decay slower than the rest of the spectrum, giving the reflections an ‘angelic halo’ effect. You can set the frequency cutoff point as well as the multiplier effect, which controls how much longer it takes for the higher frequencies to decay. Please note that if Shimmer is active, the high frequencies will decay later than your specified reverb “End Time” (either at 2x, 4x or 6x the length).
✱ Clean-Up Section:
– “Damping” is a dual filter control that lets you remove high and low frequency content from the reverb reflections. This control offers a fast way to get rid of clutter and muddiness in your mixes.
– “Sides” is a high-pass filter that removes stereo information from the low end of the reverb, while keeping the mono-information intact. This is especially helpful for creating wide vocal or lead instrument reflections without muddying-up your low end.
– “Gate” lets you instantly recreate the classic 1980s gated reverb sound. The gate offers ‘threshold’ and ‘release’ controls and makes it fast and intuitive to make your snares go ‘Phil Collins’.
✱ Shape Section:
– “Tone” is a tilt EQ that lets you quickly shift the frequency balance of the reverb to brighter or darker.
– “Smoothing” gradually applies an EQ-curve custom-designed to address the frequency areas that tend to get resonant and sharp. It mellows out harshness and gives Crystalline a more subtle feel. This allows you to add a little more reverb without drenching your mix.
– “Transients” lets you shift the reverb algorithm’s emphasis to either the attack or sustain part of the incoming signal. Emphasizing the sustain more than the transients will make the reverb feel airy and light, while emphasizing the attack stage is a great way to get a splashy and dense sound. The Transients feature works especially well for controlling reflections on percussive material.
✱ Output Section:
– “Ducker” lowers the reverb signal when the dry/incoming track is playing. This gives you a cleaner mix, where you can turn up the reverb more without compromising the dry track. “Ducker Gentle” mode offers a slow and natural ducker setting, while the standard ducker mode has a more pumpy feel.
– ”Reverse” reverses the reverb playback, giving you some radical sound design possibilities.
– “Freeze” is another creative effect that takes a granular snapshot of the reverb when clicked and holds this snapshot continuously until the button is un-clicked again. It can be a powerful effect for creating interesting transitions in a mix.
– “Dry/Wet” sets the global mix balance between the dry/incoming signal and the reverb signal. Clicking the “Wet Lock” button lets you browse presets while keeping your preferred wet/dry balance – for easier comparison.
✱ Top Panel:
– “Color” lets you change between light and dark background colors.
– “Eco Mode” lets you run Crystalline in a low-CPU mode by setting the resolution to “Basic” and disabling the shimmer effect.
– “Save As Default” lets you save your own default preset that will appear when the plugin initializes or you hit the reset button. That way, you can save your preferred color+size settings.
– “Reset” resets the plugin’s state to your default preset.
– “Tool Tips” gives you help texts explaining each plugin parameter during mouse hover-over.
✱ Resizability:
– Plugin window fully resizable (click+drag bottom right icon).