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最独特的人声插件 – iZotope VocalSynth Pro 2.4.0 WiN

File size: 36 MB

使用 iZotope 最独特的人声插件体验提升您的人声作品。快速获得您需要的老式声音,或创建新的人声风格。在实验性的声乐游乐场中迷失在层次、纹理、效果、混合和变形中,最终找到让您的人声脱颖而出的秘密。选择并融合五个独特的人声工具,或从数百个预设中挑选以快速产生影响。

VocalSynth 已经过重新设计,可以比以往更快地为您提供更好的声音。随着插件几乎所有方面的改进,无论您选择哪种类型,您都可以轻松找到自己独特的声音!使用自定义拖放式人声效果链进一步增强您的制作。 VocalSynth 2 的效果部分现在可让您更改模块的顺序!认识 Anemone,VocalSynth 2 的彩色动画会随着音频信号的形状移动和增长。在对元音声音特征做出反应的高级频谱分析的驱动下,Anemone 将有趣的互动与独特的计量体验融为一体……

格式:Win64; AAX、VST3、VST


Elevate your vocal productions with iZotope’s most unique plug-in experience for vocals. Quickly get old-school sounds you need, or create a new school of vocal sounds. Get lost in layers, textures, effects, blending, and morphing in an experimental vocal playground, and finally find that secret something that makes your vocals stand out. Choose and meld five unique vocal tools, or pick from hundreds of presets for quick impact.

VocalSynth has been reimagined to get you a better sound, faster than ever. With improvements across nearly every aspect of the plug-in, you’ll have no trouble finding your unique sound, no matter your chosen genre! Further enhance your production with a custom drag-and-drop vocal effects chain. VocalSynth 2’s effects section now lets you change the order of the modules! Meet the Anemone, VocalSynth 2’s colorful animation that moves and grows with the shape of your audio signal. Driven by an advanced spectral analysis that reacts to the sonic characteristic of vowels, the Anemone blends fun interaction with a unique metering experience………..

Formats: Win64; AAX, VST3, VST


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