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木管乐器 – Wrongtools Woodwindulator KONTAKT-ohsie

ohsie | 27 March 2024 | 2.57 GB

71 个木管乐器复古模拟合成器,使用老式电子电路和数公里磁带创建

补丁 71
样品 1194
大小 2.9 GB

木管乐器旨在捕捉来自各种老式模拟振荡器和合成器的木管声音。 通过采样声音创建,其音色让我们想起长笛、单簧管、双簧管等,所有这些都来自旧的模块和老式合成器。



71 个音色类似于“木管”电子音色的不同表现。

因此,不要录制来自某一特定声源的各种声音。 Woodwindulator 的概念是从模拟合成器中捕捉木质音色。 添加了多轮磁带机,使它们变得生动活泼。 有些补丁甚至是三重胶带。

该接口是可扩展的。 看起来很简单,可以玩。 对于那些喜欢深入挖掘的人来说,每个控件背后都有高级选项。

雕塑部分 (FX) 提供了广泛的声音雕塑机会

一系列甜美的单簧管、长笛和簧片音色。 仅由老式电子产品和老式磁带机制成。

Sculpts 多功能效果引擎使您能够制作从合成声音、颗粒雨到复杂不断变化的纹理的任何内容。

获得有史以来最奇怪、最美妙、最令人向往的复古木管振荡声音采样。 可以为任何曲目预热的录音声音!

需要 Kontakt v6.7.1+


71 woodwind retro analog synths created with vintage electronic circuits and kilometers of tape

Patches 71
Samples 1194
Size 2.9 GB

The Woodwindulator aims to capture the woodwind sounds from a variety of vintage analogue oscillators and synthesizers. Created by sampling sounds that had timbres reminding us of either flutes, clarinets, obos etc, all from old modulars and vintage synths.

71 patches that resemble different takes on “woodwind” electronic timbres.

So instead of recording all kinds of sounds from one particular sound source. The concept for Woodwindulator was to capture wooden sounding timbres from analogue synths. Added with rounds of tapemachines to make them come alive and woobly. Some patches are even tripple-taped.

The interface is scalable. Simple to look at, and ready to play. Advanced options are available behind every control for those who like to dig deeper.

A wide array of sound sculpturing opportunities opens up from the Sculpt section (FX)

A sweet range of clarinet, flute and reed sounds. Made solely from vintage electronics and vintage tapemachines.

The Sculpts versatile effect engine empowers you to craft anything from synth sounds, granular rain to intricate evolving textures.

Get access to the weirdest most wonderful desirable vintage woodwind oscillated sounds ever sampled. Taped sounds that can warm up a any track!

Requires Kontakt v6.7.1+

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