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模拟混音室插件 – Dear Reality dearVR MONITOR v1.7.0 macOSX

Dear Reality dearVR MONITOR v1.7.0 macOS-SPTNDC| 116.5 MB

准备好改善您在混音和母带中所做的每一个选择了吗?Dear Reality 的新 DearVR MONITOR 插件可让您使用自己喜欢的耳机在理想的参考品质听音室中聆听音乐。

使用dearVR MONITOR,您现在可以随时随地混音,而无需昂贵的声学优化控制室。无论您是使用立体声、5.1 或 7.1 等环绕声格式,还是 5.1.4 和 9.1.6 等复杂的杜比全景声格式,它都能让您虚拟地将自己传送到完美的聆听空间。

无论您是在路上、在家里、在陌生的录音室,还是在嘈杂的环境中,dearVR MONITOR 都能为您提供真正参考品质的听音室的所有好处,让您可以快速可靠地评估混音的质量选择——一切都来自您最喜欢的耳机的舒适度。

DearVR MONITOR 既灵活又易于使用。您可以快速调整其虚拟听音室以满足您的个人需求。只需单击几下,您就可以更改房间模型,这样您就可以绝对确定您的卧室混音在从小型汽车到电影院的所有环境中听起来都很棒!在 11 种不同的声学环境中进行选择,包括俱乐部、客厅、汽车、舞台、电影院等。

无论您是想提高耳机混音的质量,还是在没有昂贵的多声道扬声器系统的情况下监听复杂的环绕声格式,dearVR MONITOR 都可以帮助您改变聆听音乐的方式。

不需要 PA 许可证或 KeyGen。

Ready to improve every choice you make in your mixes and masters? The new dearVR MONITOR plugin from Dear Reality allows you to hear your music in an ideal reference-quality listening room, using your own favorite headphones.

With dearVR MONITOR, you can now mix anywhere, anytime, without the need for an expensive acoustically-optimized control room. It allows you to virtually transport yourself to the perfect listening space, whether you are working in stereo, in a surround sound format like 5.1 or 7.1, or even in complex Dolby Atmos formats like 5.1.4 and 9.1.6.

Whether you’re on the road, at home, in an unfamiliar studio, or a noisy environment, dearVR MONITOR gives you all the benefits of a real reference-quality listening room, so that you can quickly and reliably evaluate the quality of your mix choices—all from the comfort of your own favorite headphones.

dearVR MONITOR is also as flexible as it is easy-to-use. You can quickly adapt its virtual listening room to suit your personal needs. Just a few simple clicks allow you to change the room model so that you can be absolutely certain your bedroom mixes will sound great in everything from a small car to a movie theater! Choose between 11 different acoustic environments including clubs, living rooms, cars, stages, cinemas, and more.

Whether you’re looking to improve the quality of your headphone mixes, or monitor complex surround sound formats without an expensive multi-channel speaker system, dearVR MONITOR can help change the way you hear your music for good.

Doesn’t require a PA license or KeyGen.

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