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母带处理软件 – Steinberg WaveLab Pro 12.0.20 WIN

File Size: 246.2 MB

母带处理是音乐制作过程中最重要的部分之一。 它是一门独特的艺术,25 年来,WaveLab 一直是母带专业人士的首选。 WaveLab 是一个完整的母带处理解决方案,包含您从开始到结束的工作流程所需的所有工具。

在使用 WaveLab 的全球母带工程师网络的支持下,WaveLab 是使母带的各个方面真正专业化的关键。
出色的计量、实时 FX、离线处理器、恢复工具

WaveLab 12 拥有近 80 项新功能和改进,是有史以来规模最大的音频母带制作和编辑版本。 WaveLab 12 的一系列最先进的工具是世界一流的母带处理设施、音乐工作室和雄心勃勃的爱好者的最佳选择,适合每个从事音乐和声音工作的人。


Mastering is one of the most important parts of the music production process. It is a unique art and, for 25 years, WaveLab has been the number one choice for mastering professionals. WaveLab is a complete mastering solution, with every tool that you will ever need to cover your workflow from start to finish.

With the support of a global network of mastering engineers who all use it, WaveLab is the key to making every aspect of your masters truly professional.
High-end mastering and editing for digital distribution, CD, Vinyl and more
Assemble different tracks to create an entire album
Exceptional metering, real-time FX, offline processors, restoration tools
Flexible integration of external hardware effects

The biggest ever release for audio mastering
With close to 80 new features and improvements, WaveLab 12 is the biggest ever release for audio mastering and editing. The best choice for world-class mastering facilities, music studios, and ambitious hobbyists alike, WaveLab 12’s array of state-of-the-art tools has something for everyone working with music and sound.

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