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民谣吉他采样 – Capsun ProAudio Cicadas Acoustic Serenades WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 11 March 2021 | 583 MB

与Arthouse Acoustics合作制造的Cicadas收集了一系列民谣吉他样品,从西班牙和意大利的古典尼龙弦到现代的钢弦弹拨和拨片,不一而足。 我们还提供了重新采样的循环,准备将其放入任何现代陷阱或嘻哈制作中。 那不是全部。 为了营造深度和变化的音色,此包装中还包含其他乐器,例如班卓琴弹奏,电/中音吉他和四弦琴。

如果您从未听说过蝉的声音,这种蝉是热带气候已知的昆虫,那么它的歌曲就是温暖,无忧无虑的夏夜。 该系列展示了古老的浪漫传统与现代技术之间的和谐关系。

Made in partnership with Arthouse Acoustics, Cicadas is a collection of acoustic guitar samples, ranging from classical Spanish and Italian nylon-string to modern steel-string strums and picks. We also included resampled loops ready to be dropped into any modern trap or hip hop production. That’s not all. To create depth and variety of tone, this pack features other instruments such as banjo plucks, electric/baritone guitar, and ukulele.

If you’ve never heard the sound of the cicada, an insect known to tropical climates, its song is that of warm, carefree summer nights. This collection demonstrates how old romantic tradition and modern technology can harmonize.

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