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汽车配件做的鼓 – Soundiron Motor Rhythms v2.0.0 KONTAKT

FANTASTiC | 25 November 2019 | 3.36 GB

Motor Rhythms是一款独特的鼓套件,由音乐艺术家和技师Jordan Hill制作,并用原始汽车零件制成。他从大量的汽车制造商和模型中精心构思,选择,组装和焊接了零件。您可以在此处实时看到Jordan和他的装备包。我们来到他的工作室,用麦克风的近和远位置精确记录每个片段。该Kontakt库具有深度循环变化和力度分层,模块化套件映射,智能步进音源琶音器,直观的控件,无限的FX路由可能性以及多种动态声音可供选择。



The custom scripted Kontakt user interface built into this library comes equipped with flexible control features, like attack, release, transient start offset, dynamic swelling, vibrato, and a robust Arpeggiator system that provides a full range of custom dynamic modes and step sequencer pattern creation options. There’s also a complete DSP effects rack, including reverb with over a hundred life-like spaces, such as cathedrals, churches, halls, bunkers, garages, tunnels, chambers, rooms and creative FX convolution impulse responses.

•16 belt pulley bells
•2 gas tank kick drums
•fly-wheel hi-hats “fly-hats”
•coolant tank snare drum
•4 brake drums
•3 air cleaner cover gongs
•oil can gong
•3 washer fluid/coolant tank toms
•metal air tube cowbell
•washer fluid bottle foot drum
•plastic air tube wood block
•12 receiver drier hanging chimes (open and muted)
•clutch spring disc
•large hanging transmission bell
•4 plastic oil trap temple blocks
•34 distinct instruments with a total of 85 individually playable articulations
•Independent Close and Far microphone positions
•50 sound designed ambient pads, grooves, leads and atmospheres divided into 3 categories


Product Specs

•3.44 GB installed
•6894 Samples
•14 Kontakt 5.6.8 .nki instrument presets
•24-bit / 48 kHz lossless compressed NCW samples
•Convolution reverb with a variety of different room, hall and special effect environments


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