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波斯/伊朗中东人声 – Rast Sound Persian Vocals KONTAKT

Rast Sound Persian Vocals KONTAKT|Samples » Kontakt| 263 MB

超过 450 个波斯/伊朗人声样本,包括较长的歌曲、诗歌、曲风、较短的短语、自然和处理过的循环以及 Kontakt 的多重采样乐器。
我们很高兴发布 Rast Sound 的第四部分来自中东的 World Vocals 系列,Persian Vocals。
这是当今伊朗第一个(如果不是“第一个”)声乐库(包括 Kontakt 乐器)之一,提供给全世界的制作人和作曲家使用。对此感到感激和自豪。

Persian Vocals 为现代作曲家和制作人(您)提供了各种内容和工具。我们准备了丰富/丰富多彩的内容,包括较长的歌曲/诗歌/曲子、较短的短语、自然和处理过的循环,以及像往常一样详细的采样器头的多重采样乐器。

无论您是在为一个项目寻找入门灵感、人声调剂还是专门的伊朗人声,您都将准备好使用 Kontakt 乐器和该库中完全可访问的 WAV 内容;用于更传统的作曲以及现代电子音乐制作。

这种罕见且具有挑战性的内容是由我们亲爱的朋友 Farzad Milani 在伊朗联合制作和录制的,并由 Rast Sound 进一步成型处理。

450 多个人声样本:

215 x 长短即兴演奏

185 x 多样本

58 x 自然和处理循环

14 x 乐器,包括连

奏(完整版 Kontakt 5)24 位 WAV 和 Kontakt (nki) 格式


注意:推荐使用 NI Kontakt

Over 450 Persian/Iranian Vocal Samples, including longer songs, poems, airs, shorter phrases, natural and processed loops and multi-sampled instruments for Kontakt.

We are very excited to release Rast Sound’s 4th instalment of their World Vocals series from the Middle East, Persian Vocals.

This is one of the first (if not “the first”) vocal library (incl Kontakt instruments) from todays Iran, offered to the use of producers and composers worldwide. Feeling grateful and proud for this.

Persian Vocals offers a variety of content and tools for modern day composers and producers (you). We prepared a rich/colorful content of longer songs/poems/airs, shorter phrases, natural and processed loops and as usual detailed multisampled instruments for sampler heads.

Whether you are looking for starter inspirations, vocal spice ups or specifically Iran vocals for a project, you will be ready to go with Kontakt instruments and totally accessible WAV content in this library; for more traditional composing as well as contemporary electronic music production.

This rare and at places tastefully challenging content is co-produced and recorded by our dear friend Farzad Milani, in Iran, and further shaped-processed-finalised by Rast Sound.

Download contains:
450+ Vocal Samples:

215 x Long & short improvisations

185 x Multi-samples

58 x Natural and processed loops

14 x Instruments including legato (full Version of Kontakt 5)

24 Bit WAV and Kontakt (nki) Formats

879MB (Unzipped)

Note: NI Kontakt is recommended

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