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甘美兰系列乐器 – Soniccouture Balinese Gamelan II v1.5.1 KONTAKT

KONTAKT – 12,86 GB

超过 30 种不同的乐器被深度录制,以捕捉加麦兰生动的呼吸声和动态。

加美兰是源自印度尼西亚的一组乐器。 大多数加麦兰乐器都是打击乐器,其中大部分是青铜乐器。 它们包括不同尺寸和音高的类似木琴的金属琴、调音锣、音调非常大的锣以及各种鼓和打击乐器。 加麦兰合奏团有多种类型,但最主要的两种类型是爪哇式和巴厘岛式。 巴厘岛加麦兰有一种特有的“闪烁”声音,这是由于演奏相同音乐部分的配对乐器失谐所致。

尽管加麦兰音乐已经存在了几个世纪(有证据表明乐器在公元 800 年之前就已经存在),但它在印度尼西亚仍然是一种活生生的音乐,并且在西方越来越受欢迎。 风格不断演变,新的甘美兰音乐不断被创作出来。 巴厘岛的“Gong Kebyar”是一种特别华丽的风格,在本世纪的大部分时间里占据主导地位,可能是巴厘岛最著名的出口产品。

加麦兰音乐在很大程度上是关于集体的——它被描述为“音乐家之间的谈判”。 许多音乐家演奏互锁的部分,其中两种乐器之间共享交替的音符。 这项技术使乐团能够演奏令人难以置信的快速乐段。


我们最喜欢的例子之一是《绝命毒师》的 S4 E3。

沃尔特·怀特(Walter White)凝视着他的秘密实验室,背景中加麦兰锣和耶戈格令人毛骨悚然地颤动。


需要免费的 NI Kontakt Player 或 NI Kontakt FULL v5.6.8 或更高版本!


Over 30 different instruments were recorded in great depth to capture the living, breathing sound & dynamics of gamelan.
Play individual instruments or the whole ensemble at once – complete control over the gamelan sound for experts & newcomers alike.

Gamelan is an ensemble of instruments originating from Indonesia. The majority of Gamelan instruments are percussive, and most of these are bronze. They include xylophone-like metallophones of different sizes and pitch, tuned gong chimes, very large pitched gongs, and an assortment of drums and percussion. There are many types of Gamelan ensembles, but the two dominant types are Javanese and Balinese. Balinese Gamelan has a characteristic ‘shimmering’ sound which is due to the detuning of paired instruments playing the same musical part.

Although Gamelan music has been around for centuries (there is evidence of instruments existing before 800 AD), it is very much a living music in Indonesia, and is growing in popularity in the west. Styles keep evolving and new Gamelan music is being written all the time. Balinese “Gong Kebyar”, a particularly flamboyant style, has dominated much of the century and is probably Bali’s most famous export.

Gamelan music is very much about the collective – it has been described as ‘a negotiation between musicians’. Many of the musicians play interlocking parts, in which alternate notes are shared between two instruments. This technique enables the ensemble to play incredibly fast passages.

The pulsing, resonant tones of Balinese Gamelan can bring unsettling moods to unexpected places.

One of our favourite examples of this is in S4 E3 of Breaking Bad.

Walter White contemplates his secret lab as the gamelan gongs and jegogs throb forbodingly in the background.

Requires free NI Kontakt Player or NI Kontakt FULL v5.6.8 or later!

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