几十年来,Telecaster 一直是摇滚、蓝调、乡村、爵士、放克等音乐的主打曲目。 现在,借助我们强大的 Shreddage 3.5 引擎,Shreddage 3 Telos 为您的作品带来了著名的声音,具有逼真的性能和轻松的工作流程。 我们精心记录了这个摇滚传奇的每一个细节,以捕捉其丰富多样的声音,从圆润到激进,几乎适用于任何音乐风格。 如果您只选择一把虚拟吉他,那就选择 Telos。
~超过 24,000 个原始 24 位样本
包括琴颈和琴桥拾音器,同时以原始 24 位质量录制。
从开放到最高音品的每根琴弦采样,每个音符最多 4 倍向下/4 倍向上敲击、3 个动态层和 5 个手掌静音层。
~41 个可用于制作的音调快照
随心所欲地映射、雕刻和触发每一个发音:按键开关、速度、MIDI CC 等等。
~Console FX 机架和混音器
超过 38 种效果包括:均衡器、压缩器、混响、踏板、定制箱体、放大器等等。
建议使用 7200 RPM 硬盘驱动器或固态驱动器。
6GB 内存
Apple M1、Intel i5 或同等 CPU
具有更多内核的更快 CPU 将允许您同时播放更多语音。
联系播放器 6.7+
该乐器将在免费的 Kontakt Player 中运行。
Kontakt 要求 – Mac OSX
Intel Mac(i5 或更高版本):macOS 10.14、10.15、11 或 12+。
Apple Silicon Mac(通过 Rosetta 2 并在独立的 ARM 或支持它的主机中本地运行):macOS 11 或 12+。
联系要求 – Windows
Windows 10(最新的服务包,32/64 位)。 英特尔酷睿 i5 或同等 CPU。 图形硬件支持 OpenGL 2.1 或更高版本。
For decades, the Telecaster has been a staple of rock, blues, country, jazz, funk and more. Now, Shreddage 3 Telos brings that celebrated sound to your productions, with a realistic performance and effortless workflow thanks to our powerful Shreddage 3.5 engine. We meticulously recorded every detail of this rock-and-roll legend to capture its huge diversity of sound, from mellow to aggressive, suitable for nearly any style of music. If you choose just one virtual guitar, make it Telos.
Product Info
~Over 24,000 pristine 24-bit samples
Includes both neck and bridge pickups, recorded simultaneously in pristine 24-bit quality.
~6 string electric guitar
An iconic tone, carefully crafted and ideal for funk, jazz, fusion, ambient and more.
~All crucial articulations
Sequence virtually any part with sustains, mutes, staccatos, harmonics, hammer-on / pull-off, slides, and release noises.
~Realistic performances through meticulous sampling
Every string sampled from open up to the highest fret with up to 4x down/4x up strokes per note, 3 dynamic layers, and 5 palm mute layers.
~41 production-ready tone snapshots
From clean, ambient, and low-gain tones to overdriven, distorted and hi-gain metal sounds.
~Next-generation virtual guitar engine
Write and perform stunning solo lead parts, chords, chugging riffs, strums and more, with multiple performance styles and options to choose from.
~Beautiful, wide UI
Easily adjust all important controls, or go deep to tweak and customize engine parameters.
~Poly input feature for realistic chords
Optional lookahead analyzes notes to calculate the most realistic fingering and voicing.
~Total articulation control technology
Map, sculpt, and trigger every articulation however you’d like: keyswitch, velocity, MIDI CC and more.
~Console FX rack and mixer
Over 38 FX included: EQs, compressors, reverbs, pedals, custom cabinets, amps, and much more.
6GB disk space
7200 RPM hard drive or solid state drive recommended.
6GB of RAM
Higher amounts of memory let you load more instruments and use larger projects.
Apple M1, Intel i5 or equivalent CPU
A faster CPU with more cores will allow you to play more simultaneous voices.
Kontakt Player 6.7+
This instrument will run in the FREE Kontakt Player.
Kontakt Requirements – Mac OSX
Intel Macs (i5 or higher): macOS 10.14, 10.15, 11 or 12+.
Apple Silicon Macs (via Rosetta 2 & natively on ARM in Standalone or in hosts that support it): macOS 11 or 12+.
Kontakt Requirements – Windows
Windows 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit). Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU. Graphics hardware support for OpenGL 2.1 or higher.