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電影管弦樂(精簡版) – Audio Imperia Nucleus Lite Edition KONTAKT

AUDiOZ | 13 May 2021 | 4.77 GB

Nucleus Lite Edition是一款功能強大的管弦樂虛拟樂器,适用于Native Instruments Kontakt Player,具有完整的NKS集成。 Nucleus Lite Edition和完整版本的Nucleus共享相同的豐富的電影聲音和易于使用的界面,并根據您的功能和預算要求爲您提供不同的選擇。 Nucleus Lite Edition爲您提供了入門所需的所有工具,而又不花很多錢,并且當您準備就緒時,可以輕松地升級到完整版本。如果您希望将自己的腳趾插入管弦樂樣本庫的廣闊世界,就是這樣。

Nucleus Lite Edition将電影樂團的公式簡化爲逼真的電影樂譜得分所需的要素。

Nucleus Lite Edition的直觀界面設計提供了許多創新解決方案–功能,可用性和美觀性的完美結合。擁有您期望的所有靈活性和自定義功能,但是當您不需要高級控件時,它們就不會出現問題。

如果您剛開始,編寫管弦樂隊的曲目可能是一項艱巨的任務-誰想花一整天的時間來平衡混音? Nucleus LE是一個令人難以置信的初學者入門庫,對于經驗豐富的用戶來說是一個非常值得的補充。


•Nucleus Full Edition精心挑選的必需品。
•适用于免費的Kontakt Player版本6.4或更高版本。


•Nucleus Full Edition精心挑選的必需品。
•已安裝約5 GB(NCW格式)。
•适用于免費的Kontakt Player版本6.4或更高版本。




Nucleus Lite Edition is a powerful orchestral virtual instrument for Native Instruments Kontakt Player with full NKS integration. Both Nucleus Lite Edition and the full version of Nucleus share the same rich cinematic sound and ease-of-use interface and provide you with different options depending on your feature and your budget requirements. Nucleus Lite Edition provides you with all the tools you need to get started without breaking the bank and an easy upgrade path to the full version when you are ready for it. If you are looking to dip your toes into the vast world of orchestral sample libraries, this is it.

Nucleus Lite Edition boils the cinematic orchestra formula down to the essentials needed for realistic cinematic orchestral scoring.

Nucleus Lite Edition’s intuitive interface design provides a number of innovative solutions – a perfect mix of functionality, usability, and aesthetics. All the flexibility and customization you’d expect is there, but the advanced controls stay out of your way when you don’t need them.

Writing an orchestral track can be an overwhelming task if you are just starting out — and who wants to spend all day balancing a mix? Nucleus LE is an incredible starter library for beginners and a well worthy addition for the more experienced user.


•Carefully selected essentials from Nucleus Full Edition.
•Crisp & smooth cinematic orchestral sound.
•Two highly versatile microphone mixes: Classic & Modern.
•Full Ensembles for Strings, Woodwinds, Brass and Choir.
•Essential Tonal & Atonal Percussion.
•Essential Sound Design.
•Multi and Single Articulation Patches.
NEW! Performance Patches, for instant playability.
•Very small footprint and low resource consumption.
•Made for the free Kontakt Player, Version 6.4 or higher.
•NKS ready.


•Carefully selected essentials from Nucleus Full Edition.
•Crisp & smooth cinematic orchestral sound.
•Two highly versatile microphone mixes: Classic & Modern.
•Full Ensembles for Strings, Woodwinds, Brass and Choir.
•Essential Tonal & Atonal Percussion.
•Essential Sound Design.
•Multi and Single Articulation Patches.
NEW! Performance Patches, for instant playability.
•Very small footprint and low resource consumption.
•Approximately 5 GB installed (NCW format).
•Made for the free Kontakt Player, Version 6.4 or higher.
•NKS ready.
•Easy upgrade path to Nucleus (Full Version).

This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ
by our member who wishes to remain anonymous.

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