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电钢琴采样 – Image Sounds Artist Series Hakan Turkozu Electric Piano 01 WAV-DISCOVER

DISCOVER | 08/August/2020 | 612MB


该产品的总大小为630 MB。速度介于67 BPM-126 BPM之间。该库包含54个文件夹,并提供725种不同音乐风格的电子钢琴循环。


每个循环都包含速度和键信息。它们经过预先混合,可以立即使用,具有完美的均衡器和轻压缩效果。经过验证的专家使用高质量的录音室设备精心录制和录制专业声音,并以24Bit和44.1 KHz进行优化和录音。

艺术家积分-所有电子钢琴循环均由Hakan Turkozu演奏。

…… :::::::重要:::::: ……

……:::::: 产品规格 ::::::……
•44.1kHz / 24位高质量


Electric Piano 1 – Warm And Groovy Rhodes Loops. Pack your suitcase with Electric Piano 1 and start your journey in style!
 Though it’s best known for being the ultimate companion for groove and soul, this electric piano classic has fans in every genre. Take a walk through the warm and dreamy landscapes of Electric Piano 1 and build the perfect track along the way.With Electric Piano 1 we present another release from the Artist Series of Image Sounds. In this great expert series, we focus exclusively on the recording of live instruments and vocals, all recorded by professional musicians. The library recordings are made with high-quality recording equipment to capture a tremendous closeness of the natural sound of each instrument. You will not only notice the textbook quality, but also the variety and high-quality processing we are eager to produce.

The product is 630 MB in size all in all. The tempos are between 67 BPM – 126 BPM. The library contains 54 folder and offers a total of 725 Electric Piano loops in many different musical styles.

With each folder you will get a huge selection of different loops, all of which work well together or can be used individually. All loops of a folder are based on the same harmony pattern and can easily be combined. Thus you can select Electric Piano loops for a complete song or just use a sample for your song – all within seconds. These loops are easy and intuitive to work with, enabling a fast workflow, which, of course, is essential in music production.

Each and every loop contains tempo and key information. They are pre-mixed and ready to use, with perfect EQ and light compression. They have been carefully and professionally recorded by proven experts, using top quality studio equipment, with sound optimized and recorded in 24Bit and 44.1 KHz.

Artist Credits – All Electric Piano loops were played by Hakan Turkozu.

……:::::: Important ::::::……
• Please note that except the Electric Piano all instruments are for demonstration purposes only.

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (.WAVs)
• 725 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Piano Loops) Files
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• Fully Mixed And Mastered
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible

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