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电音编曲教程 – Mixtank.tv Space Jump Salute Making A Tech House Banger TUTORiAL-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 29 Dec 2021 | 4.76GB

随着 Glasgow Underground、Toolroom、Armada 和 LoveJuice 的发行,Space Jump Salute 是一个制作人,其大型的、俱乐部就绪的技术屋声音正在为 Jamie Jones、Annie Mac、Soalrdo 和 Danny Howard 等时尚达人击中正确的位置。

继首次进入我们的“我的第一个小时”系列之后,马库斯带着完整的制作教程回来了,让他从头开始创作一个重量级的科技屋。该课程超过 3 小时,是在 Ableton 上编写电子音乐的完美入门级介绍,涵盖了制作过程的每个步骤,并将教您广泛的可转移制作技能,包括:

– 如何在 Ableton Live 中从头开始构建“Tech House Banger”
– 如何在 Ableton 中快速有效地处理音频
– 如何获得广受欢迎的技术屋律动和低音
– 关于如何使用 Ableton 的一些最佳功能的完整说明
– 加快创意工作流程并从 DAW 中获得最佳效果的提示和技巧
– 学习简单但有效的混音技巧,让您的曲目听起来适合舞池

1. 创建初始凹槽
2. 高通踢球技术
3. 分层踩镲
4. 在 Groove 上添加骑行
5. 改进凹槽
6. 制作 Bassline
7. 添加合成器
8. 安排人声样本
9. 添加过渡效果
10. 收紧底鼓
11. 处理鼓层
12. 塑造底线
13. 平衡人声和合成器
14. 家务事
15. 创建故障
16. 创建安排
17. 发展进程
18. 混音


With releases on Glasgow Underground, Toolroom, Armada and LoveJuice, Space Jump Salute is a producer whose big, club-ready tech-house sound is hitting the right spot for tastemakers like Jamie Jones, Annie Mac, Soalrdo and Danny Howard.

Following on from his inaugural entry into our ‘My First Hour’ series, Marcus returns with a full-length production tutorial that sees him create a heavyweight tech-house banger from scratch. Weighing in at over 3 hours, the course is the perfect entry-level introduction to writing electronic music on Ableton that covers every step of the production process and will teach you a wide range of transferable production skills, including:

– How to build a ‘Tech House Banger’ from scratch in Ableton Live
– How to quickly and effectively manipulate audio in Ableton
– How to get that sought-after tech house groove and bass sound
– A full explanation of how to use some of Ableton’s best features
– Tips and tricks to speed up your creative workflow and get the best results from your DAW
– Learn simple but effective mixing tips to get your tracks sounding dancefloor-ready

1. Creating The Initial Groove
2. High-Pass Kick Technique
3. Layering Hi-Hats
4. Adding A Ride To The Groove
5. Improving The Groove
6. Crafting The Bassline
7. Adding Synth Stabs
8. Arranging The Vocal Samples
9. Adding Transition FX
10. Tightening The Kick Drum
11. Processing The Drum Layers
12. Shaping The Bassline
13. Balancing The Vocals & Synths
14. A Touch Of House-Keeping
15. Creating The Breakdown
16. Creating The Arrangement
17. Developing The Progression
18. Mixing The Track

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