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磁带机 – Tone Empire TM700 V2 v2.0 MacOS

MORiA | AU | VST | VST3 | 88.1 MB

通过 NM2 技术再现著名美国磁带机温暖而丰富的声音。 以 192 kHz 采样,模型上采样并以 192k 运行。 真实的磁带压缩和饱和度。 几乎适用于任何 Meteril 和整个混音。 真正的立体声 2 轨道成像。 令人难以置信的声音! 凭借其尖端技术,该插件捕捉了真实磁带的精髓,再现了其柔和的瞬态以及悦耳的饱和度和压缩度。

它有什么作用 ?

我们使用著名的 Vintage American 2 Track 1/4 英寸胶带机和 SM9 胶带配方进行建模。 我们具有 2 种独特的偏置设置以及快 (15 ips) 和慢 (7.5 ips) 磁带速度以及独特的 2 轨模式。 此模式可重新创建真正的立体声 2 轨图像,从而引入 2 个通道之间的声音差异以及通道之间的串扰等特性。


MacOS 10.13 或更高版本(Intel/M1/M2-本机支持)


The Warm and Lush Sound of a renowned American Tape Machine recreated via – NM2 Technology. Sampled at 192 kHz, model upsamples and runs at 192k. Authentic Tape compression and saturation. Great on almost any meteril and entire mixes. True Stereo 2 Track Imaging. Incredible sound! With its cutting-edge technology, this plugin captures the essence of real tape, reproducing its softening of transients and pleasant-sounding saturation and compression.

What does it do ?
With its cutting-edge technology, this plugin captures the essence of real tape, reproducing its softening of transients and pleasant-sounding saturation and compression.

We used a famous Vintage American 2 Track 1/4 inch Tape Machine with the SM9 Tape Formulation for modeling. We feature 2 unique Bias settings as well as fast (15ips) and slow (7.5 ips) tape speeds and also a unique 2-track mode. This mode recreates a true stereo 2-track image which brings in characteristics such as sonic differences between the 2 channels as well as crosstalk between the channels.

Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements
MacOS 10.13 or later ( Intel/M1/M2- Native Supported )



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