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空心体电吉他 – Impact Soundworks Shreddage 3.5 Archtop v2.0.5 KONTAKT


Shreddage 3 Archtop (Archtop:空心体电吉他的升级版)是一款非常通用的空心体6弦电吉他,音色清晰,温暖,逼真。它非常适合清洁和放大播放和闪耀在爵士乐,蓝调,节奏布鲁斯,放克,流行&更多。

Shreddage 3 Archtop是我们非常受欢迎的Archtop:空心电吉他的升级版,扩展和更新到Shreddage 3.5引擎!最初的乐器,具有双拾音器的六弦萨多夫斯基吉姆霍尔模型,受到成千上万的作曲家,制作人和乐队的青睐,因为它的可玩性和流畅的音调。现在,您可以享受这些令人难以置信的样品,甚至更好的性能回放,弹奏,发音映射和音调选项!

Shreddage 3 Archtop由音乐大师Josh Workman演奏,他为每个音符带来了细节和细微差别。每个样本都通过真正的模拟信号链清晰地记录DI,以获得最大的温暖,使这把吉他在放大和清洁的环境中同样可用。虽然它比高增益风格更有能力,但Shreddage 3 Archtop真正擅长的是更干净的音调和爵士乐、融合、流行、另类摇滚、蓝调、放克和R&B等流派。它圆润的音调和绝对的现实主义(多亏了大量的圆知更鸟)使这成为一个杰出的吉他,绝对值得在独奏和主奏音色中出现在你的轨道的核心。


这些包括多个eq(数字和模拟风格),压缩机,空间效果,调制效果,放大器,失真踏板,混响,以及选择超过30个定制柜IRs记录只是为Shreddage 3!这些驾驶室涵盖了您想要的所有最重要的声音,在多个位置都有动态和电容麦克风,加上某些型号的带状麦克风。

使用控制台,您可以轻松地保存和加载项目之间的效果链或预置,甚至不同的shredage 3产品。它还允许你在吉他拾音器之间调音台和混合,如果你愿意,可以在每个拾音器上定制插入。

我们的关节阵列已经覆盖了一个完整的,现实的表现,包括维持,锤击和拉下适当的时候;设置静音;断续的;强力和弦维持、静音和断奏;自然、人工、掐谐;使窒息;颤音;攻丝;耙;连奏幻灯片和动力和弦幻灯片;有音调,强力和弦有音调,和无音调释放;和效果。关节很容易调整和重新映射与TACT 3.0关节系统,并支持NKS更多的参数。

撕碎3 Archtop包括一个更新版本的TACT允许您自定义如何所有关节映射和触发!每个人都有自己的喜好,如何执行或写虚拟吉他,并与TACT你可以创建一个完美的设置为您的宿主。







需要本地乐器Kontakt Player或Kontakt FULL v6.7.1和更高!


Virtuosic, custom model 6-string electric guitar that excels with clean tones.
Shreddage 3 Archtop (an upgraded Archtop: Hollowbody Electric Guitar) is a supremely versatile hollowbody 6-string electric guitar with a clear, warm tone and incredible realism. It’s perfectly suited for both clean and amped playing and shines in jazz, blues, R&B, funk, pop & more.

About the Guitar
Shreddage 3 Archtop is an upgrade of our incredibly popular Archtop: Hollowbody Electric Guitar, expanded and updated to the Shreddage 3.5 engine! The original instrument, featuring a six-string Sadowsky Jim Hall model with dual pickups, was favored by thousands of composers, producers, and bands for its playability and smooth tone. Now, you can enjoy these incredible samples with even better performance playback, strumming, articulation mapping, and tone options!

Shreddage 3 Archtop was performed by master session musician Josh Workman, who brought detail and nuance to every note. Each sample was cleanly recorded DI through a true analog signal chain for maximum warmth, making this guitar equally usable in both amped and clean contexts. While it is more than capable of hi-gain styles, Shreddage 3 Archtop truly excels with cleaner tones and genres like jazz, fusion, pop, alt-rock, blues, funk, and R&B. Its mellow tone and absolute realism (thanks to a generous number of round robins) make this a standout guitar that absolutely deserves to be featured in solos and leads at the heart of your tracks.

Console Modular FX Rack & Mixer
Console is our new mixer, modular effects rack, and pedal board, designed to give you full control over your virtual guitar tone. Unlike our previous FX racks, which were limited to a small amount of preset modules, Console gives you 30 effects modules to choose from!

These include multiple EQs (digital and analog-style), compressors, spatial FX, modulation FX, amps, distortion pedals, reverbs, and a selection of over 30 custom cabinet IRs recorded just for Shreddage 3! These cabs cover all the most important sounds you would want, with both dynamic & condenser mics in multiple positions plus a ribbon mic for certain models.

Using Console, you can easily save and load FX chains or presets between projects or even different Shreddage 3 products. It also allows you to mix and blend between guitar pickups, with custom inserts on each if you’d like.

Our array of articulations have you covered for a full, realistic performance and include sustains, with hammer-ons and pull-offs when appropriate; mutes; staccato; power chord sustains, mutes, and staccato; natural, artificial, and pinch harmonics; chokes; tremolo; tapping; rakes; legato slides and power chord slides; pitched, power chord pitched, and unpitched releases; and FX. Articulations are easy to adjust and remap with the TACT 3.0 articulation system, and NKS is supported for more parameters.

Shreddage 3 Archtop includes an updated version of TACT allowing you to customize how all articulations are mapped and triggered! Everyone has their own preferences for how to perform or write for virtual guitar, and with TACT you can create the perfect setup for your DAW.

Over 20,000 pristine 24-bit samples
Recorded through two separate pickup positions (neck and bridge) DI, so you can make your own tone.

6 string hollowbody guitar
Smooth, mellow sound ideal for jazz, blues, funk, and pop; great even with no amp at all!

All crucial lead and rhythm articulations
Sustains, powerchords, palm mutes, staccatos, harmonics, pinch harmonics, tapping, tremolo, slides, fingered vibrato, FX, hammer-on, pull-off, rakes, and chokes.

Realistic performances through meticulous sampling
Every string sampled from open up to the highest fret with up to 4x down/4x up strokes per note, 4 dynamic layers, and 4 palm mute layers.

31 production-ready tone snapshots
From hi-gain amped options to clean, ambient playing.

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.7.1 and higher!

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