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立式钢琴 – Audio Brewers The Upright Complete v6.1 Stereo Version KONTAKT

KONTAKT – 15,61 GB

“The Upright”以八十年代末美丽的立式钢琴为特色,是第一个完全在 Ambisonics 中录制、混合和交付的虚拟乐器,让您可以控制您希望听众如何感受您所传达的信息 与您的音乐一起传递。

无论您的最终混音是立体声、双耳、VR 还是任何环绕声配置,“The Upright”不仅始终保持声音的保真度,而且将您的听众准确地传送到您想要的位置。

随着技术帮助艺术家和听众更加接近,Audio Brewers 决定采取下一步行动,为您提供一个工具,让您的听众能够拆除最后一层,使他们无法准确感受到您的感受。 不再是让他们听到你的音乐,而是让他们生活在其中并感受你在作曲时的感受。

我们的声音方法对于那些喜欢使用立体声的人也有好处。 得益于我们的录音和混音技术,我们不仅以从左到右的方式尊重麦克风的位置,而且在三维空间上尊重麦克风的位置,最终的混音忠实地再现了声音传播到您耳朵时的行为方式。 我们没有将麦克风位置叠放在其他位置上,而是提供多种混音,这些混音可以在完全和谐的声音中无缝地相互结合。

立体声版本与市场上的所有 DAW 兼容。


需要 NI Kontakt FULL v6.2.1+!


Meet the instrument.
Featuring a beautiful upright piano from the late eighties, ‘The Upright’ is the first virtual instrument ever to be recorded, mixed, and delivered fully in Ambisonics, allowing you to have control over how you want your listeners to feel the message you’re delivering with your music.

Regardless of your final mix being in Stereo, Binaural, VR, or any Surround configuration, ‘The Upright’ will always keep not only the fidelity of the sound but transport your listeners exactly to where you want them to be.

As technology helps artists and listeners to get closer, Audio Brewers has decided to take the next step and offer you a tool to allow your listeners to tear down that last layer that would keep them from feeling exactly what you were feeling. It is no longer about them hearing your music, it is about them living in it and feeling the way you felt while composing.

Stereo Version
Our approach to sound also has a benefit to those who prefer to stick to Stereo. Thanks to our recording and mixing techniques, where we respect the microphone positions not only in a left to right fashion, but on a three-dimensional space, the resulting mix is a faithful representation of how sound behaves as it travels to your ears. Instead of having mic positions that layer on top of others, we offer multiple mixes that combine seamlessly with each other in total sonic harmony.

Stereo Version is compatible with every DAW available in the market.

Requires NI Kontakt FULL v6.2.1+!

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