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童话优美长笛音源 – Marcos Ciscar Fairytale Flute [KONTAKT]


灵感来自古典音乐的复古唱片,使用Chamberlin和Mellotron的流行音乐,当然还有Ralph Lundsten和Tangerine Dream等新时代艺术家。我之所以称它为“童话长笛”,仅仅是因为我搜索了我听过很多次的美丽的也许是超凡脱俗的长笛声音,但与至少钱伯林和梅洛特隆的声音相比,它增加了一层真实感。












这是由张伯伦和梅洛创(Mellotron)启发的复音版本。将此预设用于具有多个长笛零件的管弦乐作品,或用于受古老童话启发的换句话说长笛时刻。预设5 – 8设置为此模式。基于采样的Yamaha C长笛。范围:3个八度(C3 – C6)弯音器会影响音高。每个预设都有唯一的设置。调制轮会影响颤音。每个预设都有唯一的设置。切记:长笛音色带有演奏颤音,移动调制轮会增加颤音。


请注意:完整版本的Kontakt 5.8.1是必需的


The inspiration came from retro recordings of classical music, pop-acts using both the Chamberlin and the Mellotron and of course new-age artists such as Ralph Lundsten and Tangerine Dream. I call it “Fairytale flute” simply because I searched for that beautiful and perhaps otherworldly flute sound I heard so many times but with an added layer of realism compared to at least the Chamberlin and Mellotron sounds.


It stays within the sound frame of a retro style flute recording with the addition of todays creative sound design.


This instrument is not meant to cover the whole range of retro flute sounds such as overblown, bended, tremolo, noise-making etc. It aims at the flutes sweet spot and it contains two different kinds of presets:


Fairytale flute – Legato style


This is the flute sound in monophonic mode with legato scripting. It mimics the way a solo flute sounds with legato style playing. If you play hard the note will play faster in a staccato style whereas if you play soft the notes will be slower and softer. The legato scripting mimics the way the pitch and attack behaves when changing notes on a real flute. The presets 1 – 4 are set to this mode.


Fairytale flute – Keyboard style


This is the polyphonic version inspired by the Chamberlin and the Mellotron. Use this preset for orchestral pieces with several flute parts or for that otherwordly flute moment inspired by old fairytales. The presets 5 – 8 are set to this mode. Based on a sampled Yamaha C flute. Range: 3 octaves (C3 – C6) The pitch bender affects the pitch. Each preset has unique settings. The modulation wheel affects vibrato. Each preset has unique settings. Remember: The flute tones come with performed vibrato and moving the modulation wheel adds vibrato.


Please Note: The FULL version of Kontakt 5.8.1 is required

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