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简单实用的MIDI转换软件 Abyssmedia MIDIRenderer 4.4 WIN

Abyssmedia MIDIRenderer是一个简单实用的MIDI转换软件,它可以将MIDI格式转换为WMA、MP3等流行的音乐格式,你也可以把它当做一个便携的MIDI音乐播放器来使用。

File size: 11 MB

MIDIRenderer is a MIDI rendering software that allows you to convert MIDI to WAV, MP3, OGG, FLAC, APE, AMR or WMA files. It is often used when you need to playback MIDI composition on the portable player, car audio system or burn MIDI files on Audio CD. Unlike the other similar programs MIDIRenderer provides direct MIDI rendering to waveform without using sound card and allows you to use any high-quality instrument sound instead of Windows General MIDI set.

Whats the benefits you can get from direct conversion?
Well, you will avoid background noise from sound card, you not need high priced sound card for high quality output and conversion will be much more faster than real-time recording.

Why I can not use standard audio converter?
Because MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) file contains no music. It records how music is played, containing “events” which control when each note of each instrument starts, finishes, how loud, what note of the scale, etc. MIDIRenderer use high-quality synthesizer with SoundFont support which convert MIDI sequences to waveform.

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