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管弦+模板 – Puremagnetik Microtron Tape 2 v1.1 [KONTAKT, Ableton Live]

Team DECiBEL | 20 February 2021 | Ableton: 149.5 MB | KONTAKT: 196.8 MB

Microtron胶带2 |梅洛创长笛,大提琴和八度录音机
Mellotron M400的所有原始缺陷,老式模拟质量和性能差异都通过Neumann U47麦克风和Reeves Custom 50放大器完美地捕捉到。

Microtron Tape 2 Ableton Live Pack是本地编程的,并基于Live的机架功能来创建与物理Mellotron相同的混合可能性。 Native Live效果与多采样模式机架完全集成在一起,因此任何Live用户都可以立即加载这些声音。

此外,Microtron Tape 2还包括由专业录音室键盘手演奏的50个现场剪辑。每个剪辑都带有Microtron多声音机架预编程,以实现最大的灵活性和编辑可能性。

Microtron Tape 2 Kontakt乐器带有可选的多声音乐器,具有自定义KSP编辑功能和Kontakt原始效果。 Kontakt下载文件还包括40多个速度同步的Apple Loops,可以将它们直接放入Kontakt或在您选择的环境中播放。 (对于本地Apple SIAL循环,请确保下载Logic版本)。

用于逻辑的Microtron Tape 2包括作为通道条的三种仪器,可立即安装到Logic库中,并包含40多个SIAL Apple Loops。

Microtron Tape 2功能
-SIAL Apple Loops可轻松进行编辑和速度同步
-自定义Kontakt KSP GUI和本机Kontakt效果

-Ableton Live 9或更高,Kontakt 5或更高
-300 MB的物理RAM
-400 MB的可用硬盘空间


Microtron Tape 2 | Mellotron Flutes, Cello and Octave Recorders
Microtron Tape 2 contains an expertly recorded Mellotron Flute, Cello and Octave Recorders library.

All of the original imperfections, vintage analog quality and performance nuances of the Mellotron M400 have been immaculately captured through a Neumann U47 Microphone and Reeves Custom 50 Amplifier.

Microtron Tape 2 Ableton Live Pack is natively programmed and builds upon Live’s rack features to create the same blending possibilities as can be achieved with a physical Mellotron. Native Live effects are completely integrated with multisample mode racks so that any Live user can instantly load these sounds.

In addition, Microtron Tape 2 includes 50 Live Clips performed by professional studio keyboardists. Each clip comes preprogrammed with the multi sound Microtron rack for the most flexibility and editing possibilities.

The Microtron Tape 2 Kontakt Instrument comes with a selectable multi sound instrument with custom KSP editing features and Kontakt native effects. The Kontakt download also includes over 40 tempo-synced Apple Loops that can be dropped directly into Kontakt or played in the environment of your choice. (For native Apple SIAL loops be sure to download the Logic version).

Microtron Tape 2 for Logic includes three instruments as channel strips that instantly install into the Logic library and a collection of over 40 SIAL Apple Loops.

Microtron Tape 2 Features
– Complete sound set of 3 classic Mellotron sounds
– Integrates flawlessly with Puremagnetik’s Microton series
– A collection of professionally performed clips
– SIAL Apple Loops for easy editing and tempo syncing
– Custom Kontakt KSP GUI and native Kontakt effects

Minimum System Requirements
– Ableton Live 9 or higher, Kontakt 5 or higher
– 300 MB of physical RAM
– 400 Megabytes (MB) of free hard disk space

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