ELECTRIC SUNBURST精确捕捉了一个永恒的,可玩的电吉他,为现代产品的理想。它结合了一个全面的图书馆的弹奏模式,挑选琶音,和真正的riffs与实时性能控制。创新的播放引擎允许几乎无穷无尽的和弦变化,并创建令人信服的,音乐的结果毫不费力的输入。
电子SUNBURST提供了相同的现实的弹拨引擎发现在弹拨声学1和2 -理想的和弦伴奏。它还引入了riffs和一个新的挑选模式:简单地演奏一个和弦高度令人信服的挑选模式。弹奏这些新的模式类型应该会让拨弦声学用户感到非常熟悉。
ELECTRIC SUNBURST具有高质量的效果、放大器和机柜仿真套件。三失真和四调制效果提供古典踏板的声音,而5个放大器模型和10个机柜的选择提供真实的端到端吉他的声音。最后,高质量的控制台EQ,两个压缩机,磁带仿真,混响,延迟,和磁带延迟,允许一个完整的,释放准备好的吉他声音完全在乐器内。
ELECTRIC SUNBURST precisely captures a timeless, playable electric guitar, ideal for modern productions. It combines a comprehensive library of strumming patterns, picked arpeggios, and genuine riffs with real-time performance controls. The innovative playback engine allows for a virtually endless number of chord variations, and creates convincing, musical results from effortless input.
ELECTRIC SUNBURST offers the same realistic strumming engine found in STRUMMED ACOUSTIC 1 and 2 – ideal for chord accompaniments. It also introduces riffs and a new picking mode: Simply play a chord for highly convincing picked patterns. Playing these new pattern types should feel totally familiar to STRUMMED ACOUSTIC users.
ELECTRIC SUNBURST features a high-quality suite of effects, amps, and cabinet emulations. Three distortion and four modulation effects provide the sound of classic pedals, while five amplifier models and a choice of ten cabinets offer an authentic end-to-end guitar sound. Finally, high-quality console EQ, two compressors, tape emulation, reverb, delay, and tape delay allow for a complete, release-ready guitar sound entirely within the instrument.