P2P | 13 March 2022 | 9.77 GB
它是由“Júnior Porciúncula” [巴西] 开发的“图书馆”,旨在为用户提供。 最高可能的质量。 因此,对于那些没有足够钱购买真正键盘的人来说,无法知道 Synthage 和 Yamaha Montage 之间的声音差异。 整个基地是基于雅马哈蒙太奇,声音都是雅马哈蒙太奇。
It is a “library” developed by “Júnior Porciúncula” [Brazilian] They aim to offer to users. The highest possibile quality. Thus making it impossible to know which sound diference between Synthage and Yamaha Montage, For those who do not have enough money to purchase a real keyboard. The entire base is based on Yamaha Montage, The sounds are all by Yamaha Montage.