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综合音源 Ink Audio Nashville Toolkit KONTAKT




335反馈,335 Trem Swell, 335,手风琴1,手风琴2,原声吉他Palm Mute,原声吉他打击乐,原声吉他,五弦琴Palm Mute,五弦琴,男中音Palm Mute,男中音Trem Swell,男中音Vibe, Cajon,鼓包,电五弦琴Palm Mute,电五弦琴,电吉他打击乐,口琴硬Vib,口琴软Bib,空心体,Lap Steel, Mando Palm Mute, Mando,老教堂直立钢琴短,老教堂直立钢琴,风琴,P Bass, Pedal Steel, Resonator Slide,谐振器,Rhodes 73 Mk1,摇子1,摇子2,幻灯片1,幻灯片2,Tambo, Uke手掌静音,Uke,直立低音打击乐器,直立低音,Vox Mmh短,Vox Mmh, Vox Oh短,Vox Oh, Vox Ooh,哨子,Wurli 200a

需要完整版本的Kontakt 6.7.1或以上!


Nashville Toolkit is a collection of instruments for Kontakt that brings Nashville’s personality to any production. The Toolkit has fifty libraries with over 4,000 samples that include electric and acoustic stringed instruments, basses, drums and percussion, reeds, keyboards and background vocals. It fits great with singer/songwriter, Americana, ambient, folk pop, country, indie and sync cues or anywhere you need a little Nashville in your sound.

These are imperfect libraries with character being favored over flawlessness. There’s wonkiness, slide wiggle, feedback, vibrato, string buzz and variety in all these samples to let them stay human, organic and intimate. For each instrument there are six controls to give some flexibility to tailor the sound to your needs without having to menu dive. The mod wheel is left to assign to whichever control you like. Bring a Nashville studio with you wherever you go.

What’s included:
335 Feedback, 335 Trem Swell, 335, Accordion 1, Accordion 2, Acoustic Guitar Palm Mute, Acoustic Guitar Percussion, Acoustic Guitar, Banjo Palm Mute, Banjo, Baritone Palm Mute, Baritone Trem Swell, Baritone Vibe, Cajon, Drum Kit, Electric Banjo Palm Mute, Electric Banjo, Electric Guitar Percussion, Harmonica Hard Vib, Harmonica Soft Bib, Hollowbody, Lap Steel, Mando Palm Mute, Mando, Old Church Upright Piano Short, Old Church Upright Piano, Organ, P Bass, Pedal Steel, Resonator Slide, Resonator, Rhodes 73 Mk1, Shaker 1, Shaker 2, Slide 1, Slide 2, Tambo, Uke Palm Mute, Uke, Upright Bass Percussion, Upright Bass, Vox Mmh Short, Vox Mmh, Vox Oh Short, Vox Oh, Vox Ooh, Whistle, Wurli 200a

Requires the FULL version of Kontakt 6.7.1 or above!

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