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羅蘭最受認可的合成器 – Roland VS D-50 v1.0.9 WIN

File Size : 28 MB


Roland D-50線性算術(LA)合成器于30年前發布,很容易成爲有史以來最具影響力的鍵盤之一。 D-50通過即時識别的采樣攻擊和合成的持續波形(LA!)加上合唱,混響和EQ,幫助定義了80年代後期的聲音。它是各種流派經典曲目的基礎,包括Synth Pop,New Wave,New Jack和R&B,以及無數的電影樂譜。
借助新的Roland D-50 DCB軟件合成器,Roland Cloud訂戶可以在功能強大的插件中欣賞到洛杉矶的标志性聲音,完美地再現了這個傳奇合成器的細微差别!

具有所有原始控件和參數的真實用戶界面(包括在搶先的Roland PG-1000硬件編程器上找到的控件和參數!)
導入SYSEX(* .syx)文件并享受您最喜歡的,先前創建的D-50線性合成器補丁
從Roland D-05線性合成器無縫發送或接收補丁和庫
通過Roland Cloud Manager進行簡單的安裝和更新

當大多數人想到老式合成器時,他們會想到帶有許多旋鈕和滑塊的模拟野獸。 80年代迎來了一些新事物:帶數字引擎的時尚鍵盤爲音樂家和制作人帶來了全新的音色,以前是模拟音色無法實現的。


命名80年代末至90年代初的著名曲目,很有可能它圍繞一種或多種Roland D-50聲音制作。毫無疑問,D-50在經典老式合成器的神聖殿堂中占據了應有的地位。它的聲音獨特而優美,它爲您的音軌帶來了某種“東西”,而您在其他任何地方都無法獲得。

什麽是新的 :

One of the world’s most recognized synthesizers, now for your DAW.

Released thirty years ago in 1987, the Roland D-50 Linear Arithmetic (LA) Synthesizer is easily one of the most influential keyboards ever made. The D-50 helped to define the sound of the late 80’s with its instantly recognizable mix of sampled attacks and synthesized sustaining waveforms (that’s LA!) plus chorus, reverb, and EQ. It’s the basis of classic tracks in a wide range of genres including Synth Pop, New Wave, New Jack and R&B, plus countless film scores.
With the new Roland D-50 DCB Software Synthesizer, Roland Cloud subscribers can have the iconic sound of LA in a powerful plugin, which perfectly recreates this legendary synth down to the subtlest of nuances!

Perfect recreation of D-50 from the company that made the original
Digital Circuit Behavior (DCB) faithfully captures every detail
Authentic user interface with all original controls and parameters (including those found on the sought-after Roland PG-1000 hardware programmer!)
All the original presets plus fresh new sounds
64-bit VST2, VST3 and AU support
Import SYSEX (*.syx) files and enjoy your favorite, previously created D-50 Linear Synthesizer patches
Seamlessly send or receive patches and banks from your Roland D-05 Linear Synthesizer
Simple installation and updates via Roland Cloud Manager

Vintage Digital
When most people think of vintage synthesizers, they think of analog beasts with lots of knobs and sliders. The 80’s ushered in something new: sleek keyboards with digital engines that brought musicians and producers a totally new palette of sounds not previously possible with analog.

As Roland’s first all-digital performance synthesizer keyboard, the D-50 took the world by storm with its unique mix of sampled attack transients and synthesized waveforms combined with built-in digital effects and… a joystick!

Name a famous track from the late 80s to early 90s and there’s a good chance it was built around one or more Roland D-50 sounds. Unabashedly digital, the D-50 has taken its rightful place in the hallowed halls of classic vintage synthesizers. Its sound is unique and beautiful, and it brings a certain “something” to your tracks that you just can’t get anywhere else.

Whats New :
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

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