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萨克斯音源 – Sonixinema Saxophone Explorations v1.0 KONTAKT-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 06 Jul 2021 | 3.31GB

Saxophone Explorations 是 Kontakt Player 的独特样本库。具有抽象和任意的萨克斯管纹理,结合由萨克斯演奏家和艺术家 Jay Reynolds 演奏的定制模块化效果装置,它是崇高的、不断发展的和强烈的。

该音色库旨在填补虚拟乐器市场的空白,具有非常引人注目且优美的黑暗声音,非常适合捕捉现代电影声音世界,Colin Stetson、Bobby Krlic 和 Mica Levi 等人可以在乐谱中听到。我们的自定义用户界面经过精心设计,既直观又鼓舞人心,让您可以使用滤波器、混响、失真等来扭曲和塑造声音。

我们与萨克斯管演奏家 Jay Reynolds 一起度过了无数个小时,精心挑选了一些最有趣和最有创意的萨克斯技巧。从 Colin Stetson、Bobby Krlic 和 Mica Levi 等艺术家的声音世界中汲取灵感,我们希望创建一种超越萨克斯库预期的虚拟乐器,并无限制地探索新领域。 Jay 不仅是一位出色的萨克斯演奏家,还是一位巨大的合成器和模块化爱好者。我们意识到,将他对萨克斯管的热爱与模块化效果相结合,可以创造出一种远超萨克斯管所能实现的声音和纹理的方式。我们录制了整个萨克斯家族,从男中音、男高音、中音和女高音,目的是捕捉 Jay 的表演和表达的亲密细节,同时专注于在模块化效果的帮助下它可以演变和变形的方式。

该库是在锁定条件下录制的,从 Jay 的工作室远程录制,其中包含精选的高端麦克风,后来由 Sonixinema 的内部工程师编辑和混音。 Jay 和我们的团队之间进行了大量合作,以确保源材料尽可能具有创意和可玩性。对于库中的许多音色,我们将所有四个萨克斯管放在键盘上,为您提供尽可能宽的可演奏范围。借助角色滑块,您可以使用调制轮在干信号和 Jay 的自定义效果信号之间平滑淡入淡出,其中包括以下内容;可变乐器 Rings、Makenoise Erbe-Verb、Makenoise Quad Peak Animation System、Makenoise ModDemix、4MS Tapographic Delay、Intellijel Quad VCA、可变乐器扭曲、可变乐器波纹、Befaco I4 乐器接口、Digitech Whammy Mk1。 Jay 的麦克风设置包括一个 Beyerdynamic M160 到一个用于近距离麦克风的 Cloudlifter,一个用于房间的 AKG C414ULS,结合一个 FMR Audio RNP 前置放大器和板载我的 Audient ASP880 前置前置放大器。转换器是 ASP880,I/O 是 Audient ID22。

乐器 – 萨克斯
麦克风位置 – 关闭单声道,直接信号到模块化装置
预设 – 27 个关节(108 个预设)
文件大小 – 6.8GB 作为 3.5GB NCW 提供
Kontakt 版本 – 免费的 Kontakt 播放器


Sublime, Evolving, Intense
Saxophone Explorations is a unique sample library for Kontakt Player. Featuring abstract and aleatoric saxophone textures combined with a custom modular effects rig performed by virtuoso saxophonist and artist, Jay Reynolds, It is sublime, evolving and intense.

Designed to fill a gap in the virtual instrument market, this library has a wonderfully compelling and beautifully dark sound which is perfect for capturing a modern cinematic sound world which can be heard in scores by the likes of Colin Stetson, Bobby Krlic and Mica Levi. Our custom user interface was carefully designed to be both intuitive and inspiring, allowing you to warp and shape your sound with filters, reverbs, distortion and much more.

We spent countless hours with saxophonist Jay Reynolds curating a selection of some of the most interesting and creative techniques possible with a saxophone. Taking inspiration from the sound worlds of artists such as Colin Stetson, Bobby Krlic and Mica Levi, we wanted to create a virtual instrument that surpassed what would be expected from a saxophone library and explore new territory with no limitations. Jay is not only a fantastic saxophone player, but also a huge synth and modular enthusiast. We realised that combining his love for saxophone and modular effects was a way to create sounds and textures far beyond what is possible with a Saxophone. We recorded the whole family of saxophones, from baritone, tenor, alto and soprano with the aim of capturing Jay’s performance and expression in intimate detail, whilst focusing on the way it could evolve and morph with the help of the modular effects.

The library was recorded under lockdown conditions, remotely from Jay’s studio with a selection of top end microphones which were later edited and mixed by Sonixinema’s in house engineer. There was a lot of collaboration between Jay and our team to make sure that the source material was as creative and playable as possible. For many of the patches featured in the library, we feature all four of the saxophones placed across the keyboard, to give you the widest playable range as possible. With the help of the character slider, you can use your mod wheel to smoothly fade between the dry signal and Jay’s custom effects signal, which included the following; Mutable instruments Rings, Makenoise Erbe-Verb, Makenoise Quad Peak Animation System, Makenoise ModDemix, 4MS Tapographic Delay, Intellijel Quad VCA, Mutable Instruments Warps, Mutable Instruments Ripples, Befaco I4 Instrument Interface, Digitech Whammy Mk1. Jay’s microphone set up consisted of a Beyerdynamic M160 into a Cloudlifter for close mic, and an AKG C414ULS for the room, combined with an FMR Audio RNP preamp and the onboard pres my Audient ASP880. The converters were the ASP880 and the I/O was and Audient ID22.

Instrument – Saxophone
Microphone Positions – Close Mono, Direct Signal to Modular Rig
Presets – 27 Articulations (108 presets)
File Size – 6.8GB Delivered as 3.5GB NCW
Kontakt Version – Free Kontakt Player

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