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貝斯放大器 Acustica Audio Graphite 2023 WIN

Acustica Audio推出了一款貝斯放大器:Graphite,高度一體化,簡單又好用。

Graphite重現了GR Bass One核心和AT 212碳纖維Bass箱模結合而成的聲音,也就是自然、透明、純淨的聲音。GR Bass One的核心理念是“Pure Sound”,聲音自然、透明;而AT 212貝斯箱模是AeroTech系列的成員,是世界上最輕的2×12英寸箱體。


File size: 67.2 MB

Designed by Acustica with N4 library developer SoundDrops, the Graphite bass amp emulator is fully endorsed by GR Bass, one of the most innovative and dynamic Italian manufacturers of bass amplifiers and cabinets.

This is the first Acqua Plugin product in VST, VST3, AAX, AU format fully dedicated to the needs of bassists, and is one of the most authentic and modern-sounding bass amp plugins on the market today.

What You Get

Graphite includes

Emulation of the GR Bass One head
Emulation of the AT 212 (2×12″) bass carbon fiber cabinet, sampled with four different classic microphones, each one selected and placed by pro audio experts.

Key Features
Elfo Recording Studios offered a fascinating live room environment thanks to their high-profile functional design. Its excellent acoustics and a natural, balanced reverberation in its frequency response helped to enhance the incredible sound of the sampled equipment.
Precise, incredibly accurate sampling.
A careful selection of the four sampled microphones: an American dynamic microphone (model 57), an American ribbon microphone (model R10), a German FET condenser microphone (model 47) and a German dynamic microphone (model 421).
Carefully chosen microphone positions during the sampling process.
Optimization of the product during the development phase, with the goal of ensuring low consumption of CPU; interaction with the plugin in a natural way with minimal latency, without affecting the sound quality.


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