Thriller Whooshes声音库为您带来200种建立张力的过渡音效,非常适合恐怖片,惊悚片和动作片,预告片,游戏,音乐等! 与我们第一部以飞快节奏的声音特效为特色的“飞快声音和过渡”相比,惊悚片“飞快声音”音效包包含使用高端录音机和麦克风录制的纯有机源声音设计的过渡声音效果,以达到 听起来更荒唐。 任何想要寻找险恶转场声音的人都必须拥有这些声音效果,它们会立即在您的制作中找到一条出路,并帮助您增强项目的氛围!
Thriller Whooshes声音库包含547MB(200种音效)高清24bit / 96khz立体声WAV文件,并嵌入元数据以加快工作流程。
Thriller Whooshes声音库包含547MB(200种音效)高清24bit / 96khz立体声WAV文件,并嵌入元数据以加快工作流程。
Thriller Whooshes sound library brings you 200 tension-building transition sound effects perfect for horror, thriller and action movies, trailers, games, music, and more! In contrast to our first installment of whoosh sound effects Whooshes & Transitions that features predominantly sci-fi whoosh sound effects, Thriller Whooshes soundpack contains transition sound effects designed using exclusively organic source sounds recorded with high-end recorders and microphones, in order for effects to be more raw-sounding. A must have for anyone looking for sinister-sounding transition sounds, these sound effects will instantly find a way into your production and help you with intensifying the atmosphere of your project!
Thriller Whooshes sound library contains 547MB (200 sound effects) of high definition 24bit/96khz Stereo WAV files, embedded with metadata to speed up your workflow.