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钢琴音源 – UVI Soundbank Augmented Piano for Falcon

12.2021 | 11.98 GB

Augmented Piano 提供了 24 种钢琴准备的独特集合,这些准备工作是在 1909 年美丽的 Pleyel 三角钢琴上创建和录制的。有没有想过用弓、吉他拨片弹奏或用手指弹奏钢琴会发出什么样的声音?如果您可以将这些声音以不同的起音和衰减​​时间叠加在一起会怎样?现在你可以。


从延音到打击乐,从传统到未知,Augmented Piano 用 1909 Pleyel Grand 深入探讨了声音设计的兔子洞。结果是令人难以置信的 24 种准备选择,用 3 套话筒完美捕捉;一个立体声 Royer 带式麦克风、一对立体声 BK 电容和一个单声道 PZM(压力区麦克风)。
每个音源,每个音符都以多种速度和循环方式录制,用于声音的延音和释音部分。总共录制和编辑了惊人的 23,889 个样本,为增强钢琴提供了真正细致、富有表现力和自然的声音。


此版本需要 R2R Falcon。


Augmented Piano delivers a unique collection of 24 piano preparations created and recorded on a beautiful 1909 Pleyel grand piano. Ever wondered what a piano would sound like played with a bow, guitar pick or plucked with your fingers? What if you could layer those sounds together with differing attack and decay times? Now you can.

With Augmented Piano we wanted to go beyond traditional prepared piano sounds and offer something both new and inspiring, providing a way for musicians to easily craft and explore new tones and expressive possibilities with an instrument they already know and love.From sustained to percussive, conventional to uncharted, Augmented Piano is a deep-dive into the sound design rabbit hole with a 1909 Pleyel Grand. The result is an incredible selection of 24 preparations, immaculately captured with 3 microphone sets; a stereo Royer ribbon mic, a stereo-pair of BK condensers, and a mono PZM (pressure zone microphone).
Per source, each note was recorded with multiple velocities and round-robins for both the sustain and release sections of the sound. A staggering 23,889 samples were recorded and edited in all, giving Augmented Piano a truly detailed, expressive and natural sound.

This release requires R2R Falcon.

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