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降调节奏重金属电吉他 – Impact Soundworks Shreddage 3.5 Legacy v2.0.5 KONTAKT


Shreddage 1 / Classic的演变,Shreddage 3 Legacy采用了我们原始的,传奇的降调6弦吉他,带有残酷的重摇滚和金属色调。它有一个侵略性的声音,乞求高增益,并将破坏任何大块的节奏部分,你给它。

2010年,Impact Soundworks用原始Shreddage电吉他创造了虚拟乐器的历史,它设定了一个新的标准,展示了高增益摇滚和金属节奏部分的惊人现实主义。碎片3遗产是一个现代更新的开创性的原始。作曲家和制作人一直很喜欢它激进的6弦音调,它的特点是流行的“标准”吉他。

除了其标志性的厚实的节奏部分,Shreddage 3 Legacy也比杀手strums和主奏音色更有能力。这是一个很好的选择,任何需要一个积极的,高增益的音调,包装一个真正的打击。




这些包括多个eq(数字和模拟风格),压缩机,空间效果,调制效果,放大器,失真踏板,混响,以及选择超过30个定制柜IRs记录只是为Shreddage 3!这些驾驶室涵盖了您想要的所有最重要的声音,在多个位置都有动态和电容麦克风,加上某些型号的带状麦克风。

使用控制台,您可以轻松地保存和加载项目之间的效果链或预置,甚至不同的shredage 3产品。它还允许你在吉他拾音器之间调音台和混合,如果你愿意,可以在每个拾音器上定制插入。

从shredage 1大大扩展样本集





需要本地乐器Kontakt Player或Kontakt FULL v6.7.1和更高!


A drop-tuned rhythm guitar powerhouse perfect for heavy metal.
The evolution of Shreddage 1 / Classic, Shreddage 3 Legacy features our original, legendary drop-tuned 6-string guitar with a brutal heavy rock and metal tone. It has an aggressive sound that begs for high gain and will destroy any chunky rhythm part you give it.

About the Library
In 2010, Impact Soundworks made virtual instrument history with the original Shreddage electric guitar, which set a new standard, showcasing stunning realism for high-gain rock & metal rhythm parts. Shreddage 3 Legacy is a modern update of the groundbreaking original. Composers and producers have always enjoyed its aggressive 6-string tone, which features a popular “Standard” guitar.

In addition to its signature chunky rhythm parts, Shreddage 3 Legacy is also more than capable of killer strums and leads. It’s an excellent choice for anything that needs an aggressive, high-gain tone that packs a real punch.

While the original Shreddage had a somewhat limited sample pool, lacking per-fret sampling and the note range to perform convincing leads.

That all changes with Shreddage 3 Legacy. Using state-of-the-art tools and a pinch of audio magic, we’ve taken the original sample pool and expanded it via meticulous offline pitch-shifting to cover every fret on all six strings.

Console Modular FX Rack & Mixer
Console is our new mixer, modular effects rack, and pedal board, designed to give you full control over your virtual guitar tone. Unlike our previous FX racks, which were limited to a small amount of preset modules, Console gives you 30 effects modules to choose from!

These include multiple EQs (digital and analog-style), compressors, spatial FX, modulation FX, amps, distortion pedals, reverbs, and a selection of over 30 custom cabinet IRs recorded just for Shreddage 3! These cabs cover all the most important sounds you would want, with both dynamic & condenser mics in multiple positions plus a ribbon mic for certain models.

Using Console, you can easily save and load FX chains or presets between projects or even different Shreddage 3 products. It also allows you to mix and blend between guitar pickups, with custom inserts on each if you’d like.

Greatly expanded sample set from Shreddage 1
Recorded DI (direct in) so you can use any amp tone.

6 strings, low string drop tuned to Bb
Super thick and heavy sound, perfect for metal chugs.

All crucial lead and rhythm articulations
Sustains, powerchords, palm mutes, harmonics, pinch harmonics, tapping, FX, hammer-on/pull-off, portamento, grace note slides, tremolo, and fingered vibrato.

Realistic performances through meticulous sampling
Up to 4x down/4x up strokes per note and 3 palm mute layers.

45 production-ready CONSOLE tone snapshots
From hi-gain amped options to clean, ambient playing.

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.7.1 and higher!

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