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高级的中/侧限制器 Plugin Alliance Brainworx bx_XL V3 v3.0.1 MacOS

Brainworx bx_XL V3 是一款高级的中/侧限制器,专为母带工程师设计,用于在不牺牲清晰度的情况下实现大音量混音。

MORiA | U2B | ARM | Intel | AU | VST | VST3 | 57 MB

bx_XL V3使掌握工程师在不牺牲清晰度的情况下实现响亮的混音。利用Brainworx开创性的bx_digital EQ的中/侧技术,您可以将中通道分为两个频段(低和高)。这允许控制三个单独的通道-中低,中高和侧-导致增加的响度和显着增强的清晰度与更少的工件和更大的冲击。

交叉频率滑块允许您定义中低频段结束和中高频段开始的位置。这可以让你分离踢鼓和应用不同的限制,从你的中间信号的其余部分-一个必要的技术,混合需要一个强大的底端,如舞蹈,说唱,科技,和摇滚。在bx_XL V3中的三个通道组合回立体声信号后,混合通过一个真正的峰值限制器运行。这意味着四个阶段的限制,导致响亮和水晶般清晰的立体声混音。


基于bx_XL V2的传统-第一个中/侧母带限制器,允许使用phase – x交叉滤波器进行相位校正的中/侧信号的个人试听- V3包括一个三波段“心理声学”响度最大化器和各种详细的母带仪表,使其成为顶级动态和响度控制系统。

-高级Brainworx UI
– Mono Maker

macOS 14升级到macOS 11

Maximize loudness and maintain clarity
The bx_XL V3 empowers mastering engineers to achieve loud mixes without sacrificing clarity. Utilizing the mid/side technology from Brainworx’s groundbreaking bx_digital EQ, you can split the mid channel into two bands (low and high). This allows for control over three individual channels – mid-low, mid-high, and side – resulting in increased loudness and significantly enhanced clarity with fewer artifacts and greater punch.

Hear the power of four limiters
The Crossover Frequency slider lets you define where the mid-low band ends and the mid-high band begins. This allows you to separate the kick drum and apply different limiting from the rest of your mid signal – an essential technique for mixes that need a strong bottom end, such as dance, rap, techno, and rock. After the three channels in the bx_XL V3 are combined back into a stereo signal, the mix is run through a true peak limiter. This means four stages of limiting, resulting in loud and crystal-clear stereo mixes.

Warm up mixes with XL saturation
The XL knobs add warmth to your mixes by introducing third and fifth-order harmonics. A special filtering process prevents aliasing, ensuring your mixes remain free of artifacts. This additional harmonic content enhances perceived loudness without significantly increasing your music’s output level.

Listen to the finest details
Building on the legacy of the bx_XL V2 – the first mid/side mastering limiter to allow individual auditioning of mid/side signals with phase correction using Phase-X crossover filters – V3 includes a three-band “psychoacoustic” loudness maximizer and a variety of detailed mastering meters, making it a top-tier dynamics and loudness control system.

– True peak limiter
– Dual-band mid/side processing
– Four limiting stages
– Adjustable crossover frequency
– Advanced Brainworx UI
– Mono Maker
– Sidechain circuit
– True peak, RMS, gain reduction, LUFS, and correlation meters

System Requirements
macOS 14 down to macOS 11


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