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黑暗低音提琴 8Dio Basstard KONTAKT

KONTAKT | 905.47 MB

欢迎来到The Basstard,这是一种专注于记录全尺寸管弦乐低音提琴逐渐破坏的乐器。该库包含四个核心类别的声音:“音调”,“打击”,“FX”和“凹槽”。




-需要完整零售版本的Kontakt 5.8.1或更高版本
-最低要求:Mac OS X®10.4 / 10.5,G5 2.0 GHz或Intel Core Duo 2.00 GHz, 4gb RAM或Windows®XP(32位)或Windows Vista®(32/64位),Pentium®或Athlon XP 2.0 GHz, 4gb RAM。强烈建议使用4gb或以上的RAM


Bass Sampled to Destruction
Welcome to The Basstard, an instrument focused on recording the gradual destruction of a full-scale orchestral bass. The library contains four core categories of sounds: “Tonal”, “Percussive”, “FX” and “Grooves”.

The tonal category covers traditional multi-sampled articulations like plucked, staccato, rubber mallet on strings, regular drumstick on strings, fork on strings, and other tools that could be used for tonal sampling. The percussive category contains a variety of heavy round-robin based articulations, playing the instrument like a drum kit (containing 6-10 round robin articulations). The FX category has a gruesome number of effects such as bowing the bass with a baseball bat, using a power drill on the strings, recording sustained notes from it, and actually power-drilling the bass and reconfigureing the instrument, separating its neck from its body and essentially reassembling the instrument in horrible ways. The Groove category contains unique tempo-synched grooves recorded at several core tempos (80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140).

The result is a deep-sampled instrument that pushes the concept of orchestral bass into a more dark, gritty, percussive and disturbing territory.


– Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or later required
– Not compatible with the Free Kontakt player
– The Basstard requires 2GB of hard drive space
– Minimum: Mac OS X® 10.4 / 10.5, G5 2.0 GHz or Intel Core Duo 2.00 GHz, 4 GB RAM or Windows® XP (32 Bit) or Windows Vista® (32/64 Bit), Pentium® or Athlon XP 2.0 GHz, 4 GB RAM. 4 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended

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