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10 Phantom Rooms RSI 1 KONTAKT

KONTAKT – 10,73 GB


探索独特的音调,纹理和音景没有复杂的界面和陡峭的学习曲线。RSI 1旨在结合忠实的多样本与直观的控制和先进的音序器功能。除了原始的施密特合成器样本,还有一大堆额外的样本设计的工具,如重新整理,磁带录音,踩箱,颗粒和重新合成。整个包是理想的电影作曲家,制片人,和电子艺术家的每一个水平。寻找丰富,分层合成器的声音。

RSI 1是10幻影房间的新稀有合成器乐器系列中的第一个。

RSI 1在起作用
从真实的硬件采样到尖端的声音处理,RSI 1装载了大量的快照来改变你的音乐。产品专家鲁本康奈尔分享了他的最爱,并展示了如何简单使用音序器和宏控制来创建独特的合成器声音。


RSI 1是由创新仪器开发商10 Phantom Rooms创造的。这家公司专门为电影和媒体作曲家提供下一代Kontakt乐器,由专业音响和乐器设计师Tobias Menguser创立,与Paul Haslinger和其他创意人士一起创立。在长达三十年的职业生涯中,托比亚斯为许多业内知名人士创造了声音和乐器,包括为500多部电影预告片提供声音。

需要本地仪器Kontakt Player或Kontakt FULL v8.1及更高!


A rare synth reimagined
– Go far beyond digital emulations with authentic samples from the legendary Schmidt Synthesizer
– Streamlined macro controls and a smart interface for quick sorting and customization of over 200 snapshot presets
– A huge pool of additional granular and resynthesis samples and advanced sequencer functionality

The future of authentic synth sounds
Explore unique tones, textures and soundscapes without the complicated interface and steep learning curve. RSI 1 was designed to combine faithful multisamples with intuitive controls and advanced sequencer functionality. Alongside the original Schmidt Synthesizer samples, there’s a whole host of additional samples designed with tools like reamping, tape recording, stomp boxes, granular, and resynthesis. The whole package is ideal for film composers, producers, and electronic artists of every level. looking for rich, layered synth sounds.

RSI 1 is the first in the new Rare Synth Instruments series by 10 Phantom Rooms.

RSI 1 in action
From authentic hardware sampling to cutting-edge sound processing, RSI 1 comes loaded with a vast range of snapshots to transform your music. Product expert Reuben Cornell shares his favorites and shows how simple it is to use the sequencer and macro controls to create unique synth sounds.

Created by 10 Phantom Rooms exclusively for NI
RSI 1 was created by innovative instrument developer 10 Phantom Rooms. Specializing in next-generation Kontakt instruments for film and media composers, this company was founded by pro sound and instrument designer Tobias Menguser, alongside Paul Haslinger and other creative minds. With a career spanning three decades, Tobias has created sounds and instruments for many of the industry’s biggest names, including providing sounds for more than 500 movie trailers.


Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v8.1 and higher!

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