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2020年Kong Audio 3最新版 – 扬琴 – Kong Audio Chinee Series ChineeKong V3 and YangQin KONTAKT

P2P | 12 January 2020 | 5.67 GB

ChineeKong V3:进入中国的节奏
ChineeKong V3是基于样本的中国打击乐VSTi,具有超过850 mb的专业录制样本内容,为您带来源自中国各地的最真实的打击乐声音。直到现在,西方世界大多数人都没有听说过这种声音。

ChineeKong V3 +包含六个主要类别:Luo(锣),NaoBo(C),GuZu(鼓组),BanBang(木打击乐),ZhongLing(钟声)和QiTa(MISC),共分为50个子集。


现代音乐家一直在寻找下一个新的声音,以刺激下一个大热门。厌倦了相同的问题。每个人都在做平常的拍子? Kong Audio的ChineeKong V3是此任务的答案。

ChineeKong V3借助稀有且充满异国风情的打击乐样本,可以为电影乐谱创作增添气氛,但在必要时仍能很好地融入流行音乐。 ChineeKong V3还为另类的现代实验音乐家提供了启发性的,令人耳目一新的资料。这是打击乐节。这是一个疯狂的梦想成真。




Kong Audio忠实地捕捉并重新创建了扬琴,以满足现代中国作曲家无法满足的需求。


ChineeKong V3: Enter the Rhythm of China
ChineeKong V3 is a sample-based Chinese percussion VSTi that comes with over 850 mb of professionally recorded sample content and brings you the most authentic percussion sound originated from various parts of China. A sound that most of the Western world haven’t heard of before, until now.

ChineeKong V3+ is comprised of six main categories: Luo(Gongs), NaoBo(Cymbals), GuZu(Drum sets), BanBang(Wood Percussion), ZhongLing(Bells), and QiTa(MISC), divided into a total number of 50 subsets.

These instruments are being used widely in today’s Chinese pop music and film scores.

Unusual Source for Unusual Ideas
Modern musicians have always been searching for the next NEW sound to spice up the next big hit. Tired of the samey. usual beat everyone is making? Kong Audio’s ChineeKong V3 IS the answer to the quest.

With the rare and exotic acoustic percussion samples, ChineeKong V3 can add an atmospheric touch to film score compositions, yet still fits well in the pop music when necessary. ChineeKong V3 also provides inspiring, refreshing materials for modern offbeat experimental musicians. It’s a percussion-fest. It’s a wild dream come true.

YangQin: The Acclaimed, Uplifting, Silky Dulcimer

YangQin is a relatively new member of the Chinese instrument family. It was not until the late Ming Dynasty (mid-17th century) that YangQin started to show up in China.

It is well-known that dulcimer was originated from the Persian civilization, but since YangQin’s sound character fitted so well to the taste of Chinese mentalite, it soon spread widely, especially in the southern China.

Kong Audio faithfully captured and recreated YangQin for modern Chinese composers’ unfulfilled needs.

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