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60年代复古摇滚拓展 – Ueberschall 60s Acid Rock Vol.2 ELASTIK


60 年代酸性摇滚卷。 2
60 年代酸性摇滚卷。 2 提供了进一步享乐主义的以吉他为主导的 60 年代摇滚风格。作为对第 1 卷的补充,此版本完美地结合了迷幻的影响、艺术大师的音乐才能和扩展思维的化学物质,从而催生出令人兴奋的新流派:酸性摇滚。 60 年代酸性摇滚卷。 2 是所有的态度和声音的疯狂,但具有现代的高质量生产标准。哦,而且没有被破坏的风险!

这个 Elastik 库包含 5 个扩展的构建套件,原始速度范围为 82 到 128 BPM。凭借 2.6 GB 的样本数据,以及总共 500 多个循环和乐句,这些套件中的每一个都提供了 3 到 5 个主要音乐部分。每个套件中还包含专用的介绍和结尾部分。扩展的和弦进行或即兴演奏贯穿始终,除了多个主吉他声部外,每个构建套件都可以轻松构建您自己理想的完整歌曲编排。 Elastik 强大的速度和音高操纵工具进一步扩展了可能性,允许您将样本内容融入您的特定项目需求。

乐器以经典的电吉他、电贝斯和鼓三重奏为主。对于电吉他,每个乐句都提供 DI 和麦克风放大器版本。放大版提供了一系列准备好摇滚的音色,从经典的过载、失真到全面的模糊。无论是节奏还是前奏部分,也有很多哇音动作。当然,DI 版本允许您添加自己选择的吉他放大器建模和效果。表演尖叫吉他英雄变成了 11。低音也包括 DI 和放大器版本,可以轻松混合为您的项目创建完美的低音音色。鼓声部既可作为立即使用的预混循环,也可作为用于底鼓、军鼓、踩镲、嗵鼓、钹、头顶和空间的单独循环,因此您可以完全自定义您的鼓混音。贝司和鼓节奏部分结合了力量和节奏,创造了一个真正狂野的旅程。

吉他英雄时代 – 免费康复
这些结构套件非常适合需要在下一个乐谱中添加一些真实的 60 年代吉他戏剧效果的媒体作曲家。同样,制作人可以定制完整的乐器编曲来激发他们下一首歌曲项目的灵感。对于将吉他英雄变成神的时代的所有声音,但不需要长时间的康复,60 年代的酸摇滚卷。 2 是理想的选择。


60s Acid Rock Vol. 2
60s Acid Rock Vol. 2 delivers a further hedonistic dose of guitar-led 60s inspired rock. Complementing Volume 1, this release perfectly captures the combination of psychedelic influences, virtuoso musicianship and mind-expanding chemicals that can birth a new and exciting genre: Acid Rock. 60s Acid Rock Vol. 2 is all the attitude and sonic craziness but with the high-quality production standards of the modern day. Oh, and without the risk of getting busted!

No Drugs Required
This Elastik library contains 5 extended construction kits with original tempos spanning 82 to 128 BPM. With 2.6 GB of sample data, and over 500 loops and phrases in total, each of these kits provides between 3 and 5 main musical sections. Dedicated intro and outro sections are also included within each kit. Extended chord progressions or riffs are present throughout and, alongside the multiple lead guitar parts, each construction kit makes it very easy to build your own ideal full song arrangement. Elastik’s powerful tempo and pitch manipulation tools extend the possibilities further, allowing you to blend the sample content into your specific project needs.

Musical Attitude With Uncompromising Audio Quality
Instruments are dominated by the classic power trio of electric guitars, electric bass and drums. For the electric guitar, each phrase is provided as both DI and a mic’ed amp version. The amped versions provide a range of ready-to-rock tones, from classic overdrive, through distortion and into full-on fuzz. Whether for rhythms or lead parts, there is also plenty of wah-wah action. Of course, the DI versions allow you to add your own choice of guitar amp modelling and effects. The performances scream guitar hero turned to 11. DI and amp versions are also included for the bass and can be easily blended to create the perfect bass tone for your project. Drum parts are provided as both pre-mixed loops for immediate use and as individual loops for kick, snare, hihat, toms, cymbals, overheads and room so you can fully customize your drum mix. The bass and drum rhythm section combines power and groove to create a really wild ride.

The Era Of The Guitar Hero – Rehab Free
These constructions kits would be ideal for media composers needing to add some authentic 60s guitar histrionics to their next musical score. Equally, producers can customize full instrumental arrangements to inspire their next song projects. For all the sound of the era that turned guitar heroes into gods, but without the need for extensive periods of rehab, 60s Acid Rock vol. 2 is the ideal choice.

All drums, basses and guitars played by Kai Reuter

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