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789TEN The Aspyer Producer Pack V.1 MULTiFORMAT-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 17 January 2022 | 2.05 GB

以将 EDM 与古典小提琴和前卫吉他即兴演奏相结合而闻名 – 多乐器演奏家和制作人/DJ Apsyer 提供了一个出色的制作人包,其中包含 230 多个样本、2.5 小时的大师班、签名 Spire 预设和 Logic 项目文件。

最近与 Matisse & Sadko 合作的“Don’t Tell Me”突破了 2300 万次流——Aspyer 正在巩固他在前卫房子传奇中的名声,并以他独特的旋律和声音设计开辟新天地。

从单曲到单曲,Aspyer 继续他朗朗上口的曲目的长篇大论,本教程中创作的歌曲也不例外。在总共 7 个技术先进的章节中,我们看到他使用您在 Aspyer Producer Pack 中可以访问的所有内容从头开始制作曲目。


作为目前可用的最独特的样本包之一,Aspyer 演奏了许多小提琴和吉他旋律,为您的渐进式房屋轨道带来有机的声音。

还包括锐利的填充、重低音、甜美的合成器镜头、调谐的底鼓、无人机、鼓以及更多独特的声音,这些声音使 Aspyer 成为 Tomorrowland 2021 年前 20 名艺术家的标志性风格。

Progressive House 的未来在于这些由 Aspyer 从头开始​​制作的声音。
• 23 x 尖顶
• 1 份血清
• 1 次踢

Daw:Logic Pro X
独一无二的项目文件——直接来自 Aspyer 的教程会议。跟随您观看并打开自己的灵感世界。

40 个额外的 MIDI 剪辑:仅在它们永远消失之前可用 72 小时。


Known for blending EDM with classical violin and avante-garde guitar riffs – multi instrumentalist and producer/DJ Apsyer delivers an exceptional producer pack complete with 230+ samples, 2.5 hour masterclass, signature Spire presets, and Logic project file.

Recently cracking 23 Million streams on “Don’t Tell Me” with Matisse & Sadko – Aspyer is cementing his name among the legends of progressive house, and breaking new ground with his unique melodies and sound design.

From single to single, Aspyer has continued his tirade of catchy tracks and the song created in this tutorial is no exception. In a total of 7 technically advanced chapters we watch him make a track from scratch using everything you’ll have access to in Aspyer Producer Pack.

Not only will you learn highly technical production technique, you’ll also untap a weath of inspiration as you watch just how seamlessly the sounds and presets from the pack flow together.

Making this one of the most unique sample packs available right now, Aspyer performed a number of violin and guitar melodies to bring an organic sound to your progressive house tracks.

Also included are sharp fills, heavy bass, luscious synth shots, tuned kicks, drones, drums, and many more unique sounds in the signature style that landed Aspyer in Tomorrowland’s Top 20 Artists of 2021.

The future of Progressive House is in these sounds made from scratch by Aspyer.
• 23 x Spire
• 1 x Serum
• 1 x Kick

Project File
Daw: Logic Pro X
A one of a kind project file – Straight from Aspyer’s tutorial session. Follow along as you watch and open yourself up to a world of inspiration.

40 BONUS MIDI CLIPS: Available for 72 hours only before they’re gone forever.

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