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8弦金属吉他 Orange Tree Samples Evolution Dracus v1.2.5 KONTAKT


从地球火热的核心欢呼来了最热门的虚拟8弦吉他库金属和摇滚。Evolution Dracus涵盖了各种各样的技术和发音,无论是史诗般的粉碎引线还是巨大的四轨节奏音轨。样本库拥有一个广阔的音符范围,从最高注册的刺耳的尖叫到远远低于标准6弦吉他的能力的怪物咆哮。

进化Dracus的强大效果引擎具有无数的虚拟stompboxes,机架效果,放大器和吉他柜可供选择。该库还包括大量的工厂预设,用于即时可用的干净,脆脆和扭曲的音调。17 GB的样本内容和超过15,000个样本,这个强大的电吉他样本库涵盖了手掌静音,捏谐波,敲击,连音发音,如锤击和拉出,幻灯片,静音的chugs,弦乐刮擦,和更多。

-各种颤音风格,从经典的颤音到可调深度/速度的摇滚和金属颤音。颤音可以分配给MIDI cc或后触。
-强大的映射系统,让您设置如何触发关节,使用条件,如速度范围,MIDI CCs,闭锁和非闭锁键开关,以及更多。

– MIDI发音,用于即时向上/向下的优雅音符,嗡嗡颤音,整步滑动,整步敲击,滑动(基于速度和节奏同步),八度和强力和弦。

工作与NI Kontakt Player v5.5.2和更高!


Hailing from the fiery core of the earth comes the hottest virtual 8 string guitar library for metal and rock. Evolution Dracus covers a wide variety of techniques and articulations, whether it’s epic shredding leads or gigantic quadruple-tracked rhythm tracks. The sample library boasts an expansive note range, from piercing shrieks in the highest register to monstrous growls emanating far below a standard 6 string guitar’s capabilities.

Evolution Dracus’s robust effects engine features a myriad of virtual stompboxes, rack effects, amps, and guitar cabinets to select from. The library also includes a ton of factory presets for instantly usable clean, crunchy, and distorted tones. With 17 GB of sample content and well over 15,000 samples, this powerhouse electric guitar sample library covers palm mutes, pinch harmonics, tapping, legato articulations like hammer-ons and pull-offs, slides, muted chugs, string scrapes, and much more.

Key Features
– Multitracking up to quadruple tracking.
– Adjustable pick position using our proprietary physical modeling technology.
– Various vibrato styles, from classic vibrato to rock and metal vibrato with adjustable depth/speed. Vibrato can be assigned to MIDI CCs or aftertouch.
– Powerful mapping system that lets you set how you want to trigger articulations, using conditions such as velocity ranges, MIDI CCs, latching and non-latching keyswitches, and more.
– Built-in strum pattern editor for authentic guitar strumming.

Sampling Specifications
– Over 15,000 samples, recorded in 24-bit, 48khz.
– Articulations such as sustains, half palm mutes, full palm mutes, mutes, squeals, tapping, natural harmonics, plus special effects such as chugs, scratches, string slaps, and much more.
– MIDI articulations for instant upward/downward grace notes, buzz trills, whole-step slides, whole-step hammer-ons, slides (velocity-based and tempo-synced), octaves, and powerchords.
– Legato samples for slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs.
– The articulations have 3 dynamics and 4x round-robin.
– Separate pickup signals for controllable pickup blend.

Works with NI Kontakt Player v5.5.2 and higher!

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