SPAN Plus是一个实时的“快速傅里叶变换”音频频谱分析仪AAX, AudioUnit和VST插件专业声音和音乐制作应用。该方法大部分来源于Voxengo GlissEQ动态参数均衡器,并重现了其频谱分析功能。SPAN Plus是一个扩展版本的免费软件SPAN插件:SPAN Plus提供了一些额外的功能,如PNG文件导出,实时频谱导入/导出为交叉跟踪频谱比较,和静态频谱显示。你可以指定傅里叶块大小在样本,FFT窗口重叠百分比,频谱的视觉斜率。除此之外,您还可以选择显示所需类型的二级频谱(例如,实时最大,所有时间最大)。光谱可以在视觉上平滑,以便于检查。
除了交叉跟踪频谱比较,SPAN Plus还支持多通道分析,可以设置为同时显示来自两个不同通道或信道组的频谱。光谱的颜色可根据口味选择。
SPAN Plus还具有可调弹道和集成时间输出水平计量,k系统计量(包括校准k系统计量)。SPAN Plus显示水平计量统计,净空估计和剪辑检测。相关测量也可用。
A / B比较
这个音频插件可以加载到任何音频主机应用程序,符合AudioUnit或VST插件规范。AAX版本的插件可以在ProTools 12+中加载。
这个插件兼容Windows(32位和64位Windows XP, Vista, 7、8、10和更高版本)和macOS(10.7及以后版本,64位英特尔处理器的)电脑(2.5 GHz双核或更快的处理器至少4 GB的系统内存,SSE4.2指令所需的支持,如任何英特尔酷睿,AMD推土机或Zen-based处理器)。一个单独的二进制分布文件是可用于每个目标计算机平台和音频插件规范。
兼容Windows和macOS软件:Cubase, Logic Pro, ProTools, Ableton Live, Reaper, Presonus Studio One, FL Studio, Cakewalk, Nuendo,小波,GarageBand, Vegas, SoundForge, Audition, Samplitude, Digital Performer, Mixcraft, Bitwig Studio, Edius等。
如果你不能让插件在macOS High Sierra/Mojave上工作,你必须从系统注销并再次登录,这是一个已知的问题不是由插件自己的错误造成的。
* Windows:修正了在高CPU负载下可能的冻结问题。
SPAN Plus is a real-time “fast Fourier transform” audio spectrum analyzer AAX, AudioUnit and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications. For the most part it was derived from Voxengo GlissEQ dynamic parametric equalizer and reproduces its spectrum analysis functionality. SPAN Plus is an extended version of the freeware SPAN plugin: SPAN Plus provides several additional features such as PNG file export, real-time spectrum import/export for cross-track spectrum comparisons, and static spectrums display.
SPAN Plus provides you with a very flexible “mode” system which you can use to setup your spectrum analyzer preferences. You may specify Fourier block size in samples, FFT window overlap percentage, spectrum’s visual slope. Beside that you can choose to display secondary spectrum of a desired type (e.g. real-time maximum, all-time maximum). Spectrum can be smoothed out visually for an easier examination.
Beside cross-track spectrum comparison, SPAN Plus supports multi-channel analysis and can be set to display spectrums from two different channels or channel groups at the same time. Spectrum’s color can be chosen to taste.
SPAN Plus also features output level metering with adjustable ballistics and integration time, K-system metering (including calibration K-system metering). SPAN Plus displays level metering statistics, headroom estimation and clipping detection. Correlation metering is available as well.
Features & Compatibility:
Real-time spectrum import/export
PNG file export
Static spectrums display
Output signal power statistics
Spectrum smoothing
User interface window resizing
Clipping statistics
Correlation meter
K-system metering (unweighted)
Stereo and multi-channel analysis
Mid/side analysis
Internal channel routing
Channel grouping
Preset manager
Undo/redo history
A/B comparisons
Contextual hint messages
All sample rates support
User interface color schemes
Resizable user interface
Retina and HighDPI support
Demo limitations
Processing output is muted for a moment every 45 seconds.
This audio plugin can be loaded into any audio host application that conforms to the AudioUnit or VST plugin specification. Plugins with AAX version available can be loaded in ProTools 12+.
This plugin is compatible with Windows (32- and 64-bit Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and later versions) and macOS (10.7 and later versions, 64-bit Intel processor-based) computers (2.5 GHz dual-core or faster processor with at least 4 GB of system RAM, SSE4.2 instructions support required, e.g. any Intel Core i-, AMD Bulldozer- or Zen-based processor). A separate binary distribution file is available for each target computer platform and audio plugin specification.
Compatible Windows and macOS software: Cubase, Logic Pro, ProTools, Ableton Live, Reaper, Presonus Studio One, FL Studio, Cakewalk, Nuendo, WaveLab, GarageBand, Vegas, SoundForge, Audition, Samplitude, Digital Performer, Mixcraft, Bitwig Studio, Edius, others.
If you cannot get plugin to work on macOS High Sierra/Mojave, you have to logout from the system and login again, it’s a known issue not caused by plugin’s own bug.
Whats New:
* Implemented “anti-aliased” line drawing optimization.
* Improved readability of the condensed font.
* Fixed a bug where the “Hold” switch was not holding statistics.
* Added the “Navy” color scheme.
* Windows: fixed a possible freeze issue on high overall CPU load.