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电影合成音色 – Big Fish Audio ATMOS: Indie Cinematic Textures KONTAKT


ATMOS:Big Fish Audio的Indie Cinematic Textures(独立电影纹理)为您提供了一个独家库来补充您的任何构图。 ATMOS在创建时就考虑到了作曲家的需求,它提供了各种各样的键,时间戳和BPM。无论您是需要独特的无人机,闪光垫,节拍,引人注目的打击乐,创意的主音,还是令人抓狂的和弦进行,此库都应有尽有。除其他乐器外,ATMOS还包括打击乐和鼓元素,这些元素经过精心的多轨实时录制,并提供处理版本和干燥版本。 ATMOS旨在为您的指尖带来情感,丰富和深度,它将增强,激发并为您正在进行的任何项目提供灵感。拥有超过7 GB的内容,您一定可以找到所需的内容。

Big Fish Audio ATMOS:独立电影纹理KONTAKT屏幕快照ATMOS:独立电影纹理已采用最广泛使用的格式进行了格式化:Apple Loops,Acidized WAV和REX文件,使其几乎可以在当今市场上的所有软件和硬件中使用。此外,该库针对Kontakt进行了完全格式化,作为Big Fish Audio KLI 3.0系列的一部分,该库将该循环库转换为真正可塑的音乐书写工具。



提取时,这些文件名称中的“:”符号更改为“ _”(这些名称已被其他文件使用)。

这些文件大小不同,已被重命名,并且位于主存档根目录的“ 2_NKI.rar”存档中。

您可以使用任何一个,包括同时使用。为此,只需将这两个文件提取到“ Instruments / Menus”文件夹中。

ATMOS: Indie Cinematic Textures from Big Fish Audio brings you an exclusive library to compliment any of your compositions. Created with the composer in mind, ATMOS offers a wide variety of keys, time signatures, and BPMs. Whether you need a unique drone, shimmering pad, pulsing beat, compelling percussion, creative lead, or gripping chord progression, this library has it all. Along with the other instruments, ATMOS includes percussion and drum elements that were meticulously multi-track live recorded and are provided in both processed and dry versions. Designed to bring emotion, richness, and depth to your fingertips, ATMOS will enhance, provoke, and provide inspiration to whatever project you may be working on. With over 7+ GB of content, you’ll be sure to find exactly what you need.

ATMOS: Indie Cinematic Textures has been formatted in the most widely-used formats: Apple Loops, Acidized WAV, and REX files, making it usable in virtually every piece of software and hardware on the market today. In addition, this library comes fully formatted for Kontakt as part of the Big Fish Audio KLI 3.0 Series which transforms this loop library into a truly moldable and musical writing instrument.

The manufacturer's archive contained the following files:

Guitar High:Low.nki

When extracting, the ":" symbol in the names of these files changed to the "_" (these names were already used by other files).

These files differ in size, have been renamed and are located in the "2_NKI.rar" archive in the root of the main archive.

You can use any, including at the same time. To do this, simply extract these two files into the "Instruments/Menus" folder.
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