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Zenhiser Legion Psytrance WAV

HiDERA | 27 January 2021 | 5.51 GB


这个大型的6GB样本库完全由“ No Comment”(无评论)设计而成,从专用的低音一拍到精确编程的琴杆,以及介于两者之间的所有内容,一应俱全。该包的核心重点是提供令人难以置信的各种专用声音,从而成为全球Psy生产商最想要的采样包。破碎的循环,单独的打击乐循环,出色的鼓声,精妙的主音茎,超乎寻常的低音一击选择,填充,选定的fx,号角声,横扫,合成器一击和zap声音,这使得该系列对于任何人都不用费脑筋从头开始或寻找一个库存库来为其锦上添花。

因此,如果您喜欢像Blue Tunes,X7M,SpinTwist和Iboga这样的开拓性唱片公司的声音,那么此产品包就在您的街头。

Expect the unexpected, ‘Legion – Psytrance’ is an exceptional Psy sample pack that dives deep into the essential criteria Psytrance producers need today in their tracks.

Designed from the ground up by ’No Comment’ this mega 6GB sample library has everything from dedicated bass one shots to precisely programmed stems and everything in between. The core focus of this pack is to offer an unbelievably broad range of dedicated sounds, thus becoming the most wanted sample pack for Psy producers worldwide. Broken down loops, individual percussive loops, superior drum hits, beautifully mastered stems, an out of this world bass one shot selection, fills, selected fx, horn sounds, sweeps, synth one shots and zap sounds makes this collection a no brainer for anyone starting from scratch or looking for a stock library to add the icing on their cake.

So if you like the sound of pioneering labels like Blue Tunes, X7M, SpinTwist and Iboga, then this pack is right up your street.

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