Team DECiBEL | 24 May 2021 | 1.34GB
與我們的常駐專家 BigJerr 一起學習 Dubstep 制作和 drop 的美術。
了解 Dubstep 的基本要素,以制作您的粉絲不會忘記的重擊滴。 BigJerr (SCARlit) 将幫助您通過創作朗朗上口、令人難忘的旋律、鼓和貝斯線的技巧來克服作家障礙的症狀,讓您的聽衆會談論。
1 個課時
Learn the fine art of Dubstep production and drops with our resident expert, BigJerr.
Learn the Dubstep essentials for producing heavy hitting drops your fans won’t forget. BigJerr (SCARlit) will help you overcome the symptoms of writer’s block with techniques for creating catchy and memorable melodies, drums and basslines that your listeners will talk about.
1 Lessons
2 Hours Length