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Hy2rogen Moombahton Attack MULTi-FORMAT-DISCOVER

DISCOVER | 04/August/2021 | 2.43GB

继之前发布的 Reggaeton Dreams 示例包之后,HY2ROGEN 很高兴发布一个 4.5GB 以上的灵感来源,名为 Moombahton Attack,作为 10 个准备粉碎的建筑套件的集合。

自 2009 年由 Dave Nada 创立以来,moombahton 流派已被注册为地球上两种最受欢迎​​的流派的融合:家庭音乐和雷鬼音乐。多亏了 Major Lazer、Diplo、Dillon Francis、Yellow Claw、Skrillex、Bro Safari、Afrojack 等艺术家和项目,这种新风格在世界各地的俱乐部和节日中出现的同时,已享誉全球。我们从游戏中的所有这些顶级玩家那里汲取灵感,以提取最好的东西,并提供可激发创造力的现成样品材料的清洁来源。

该合集提供 10 首完全解构的曲目,其中包含在其自己的通道上导出的每个词干(可能的情况下为 DRY 和 WET)以及单独的鼓循环、合成器循环、一个镜头(鼓点和合成器/乐器/人声镜头),由 MIDI 文件备份所有音乐元素和血清合成预设(如果可用)。

您得到的是 10 首可导入的受蒙巴顿影响的曲目,这些曲目已导出长达 20 小节,包括鼓、贝斯、乐器(吉他、钢琴、铜管、长笛等)、打击乐、人声、合成器和其他带有总共 4.5GB+ 的内容分为 987 个文件(913 个 wav 文件、38 个 midi 文件、357 个词干导出、323 个单拍、67 个鼓循环、78 个合成器循环、24 个采样器补丁、12 个血清预设)。每个套件都包括分解 + 主题和多达 40 个单独的词干导出,但还配备了单独的鼓循环、合成器/乐器循环和一个镜头,以便更轻松地集成到您的工作流程中。所有声音都以 24 位 44.1Khz 的质量导出。该演示完全由此示例包中的声音组成。

……:::::: 产品规格 ::::::……
• 格式:(多格式)
• 012 x (.Synth Presets) For (Xfer Records Serum) – (Bass/Horns/Leads)
• 323 x One-Shots -(鼓和合成器)
• 067 x 鼓循环
• 078 x 合成器循环
• 008 x 软采样器补丁(Halion – EXS-24 – Kontakt)
• 357 x (.WAV) 词干导出
• 913 x (.WAV) 文件
• 038 x (.MIDI) 文件
• 总共 987 个文件
• 2-4 小节长循环
• 20 小节长杆
• 干湿出口
• 关键和节奏标签
• 44.1kHz/24 位高品质
• 完成完全混音和母带
• 兼容所有 DAW
• PC 和 Mac 兼容
• 100% 免版税


Following the previously released Reggaeton Dreams sample pack, HY2ROGEN is excited to unleash a 4.5GB+ inspiration source titled as Moombahton Attack, served up as a collection of 10 ready to smash construction kits.

Since it’s birth way back in 2009 by Dave Nada, the moombahton genre has been registered as a fusion between two of the most popular genres on earth: house music and reggaeton. Thanks to artists and projects such as Major Lazer, Diplo, Dillon Francis, Yellow Claw, Skrillex, Bro Safari, Afrojack and many others, this new style has been taken to global fame while being present in clubs and festivals around the world. We have taken inspiration from all these top players in the game to extract the best of the best and deliver a clean source of ready-to-sample materials that will spark creativity.

This collection is served up as 10 fully deconstructed tracks that feature every single stem exported on it’s own channel (DRY & WET where possible) along with individual drum loops, synth loops, one shots (drums hits and synth/instrument/vocal shots), backed up by MIDI files for all musical elements and Serum Synth Presets where available.

What you get is 10 import-ready moombahton influenced tracks that have been exported up to 20 bars long and include drums, bass, instruments (guitars, pianos, brass, flutes, etc.), percussion, vocal chops, synths and others with a total of 4.5GB+ of content broken down into 987 total files (913 wav files, 38 midi files, 357 stem exports, 323 one shots, 67 drum loops, 78 synth loops, 24 sampler patches, 12 Serum Presets). Each kit includes breakdown + main theme and goes up to 40 individual stem exports but also comes equipped with separate drum loops, synth/instrument loops and one shots for easier integration within your workflow. All of the sounds have been exported at a quality of 24bit 44.1Khz. The demo is entirely made up of sounds from this sample pack.

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (MULTi-FORMAT)
• 012 x (.Synth Presets) For (Xfer Records Serum) – (Bass/Horns/Leads)
• 323 x One-Shots – (Drums And Synths)
• 067 x Drum Loops
• 078 x Synth Loops
• 008 x Soft Sampler Patches For (Halion – EXS-24 – Kontakt)
• 357 x (.WAVs) Stem Exports
• 913 x (.WAVs) Files
• 038 x (.MIDIs) Files
• 987 x Files In Total
• 2-4 Bars Long Loops
• 20 Bars Long Stems
• Dry And Wet Exports
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Complete Fully Mixed And Mastered
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• 100% Royalty-Free

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