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吉他贝斯效果器 – Reason RE Propellerhead Electric Bass v1.0.1 PROPER-R2R

Team R2R | 19 Oct 2021 | 3.20GB

Reason Electric Bass 是一个强大的机架扩展,可提供您在 Reason 中轻松创建动态、响应迅速、可信的低音线所需的一切。使用精心采样的复古和现代电贝司吉他库快速找到合适的声音。 Reason Electric Bass 是放置低端保证让您的双脚动起来的终极工具,无论您的类型如何。

Reason Electric Bass 在一个 Rack Extension 中结合了八种经典贝斯乐器,包括 Fender Jazz 和 Precision、Rickenbacker、Les Paul 等。 Reason Electric Bass 中的每件乐器都是使用多个麦克风和专用低音放大器设置精心录制的,让您可以完全控制您的低音。从 50 种现代放克、经典摇滚和实验贝斯预设中进行选择,或者使用模拟建模放大器、箱体、单块效果器、麦克风和前置放大器创建您自己的自定义信号链。

使用 Reason Electric Bass 的直观界面,使用高级动态和清晰度创建自然的即兴即兴演奏、舔舐和填充。使用专门的表情控制采样鬼音、品格噪音和滑音,立即为您的低音线注入活力。您不需要贝斯,不需要放大器,也不需要手指技巧——您唯一需要的是 Reason Electric Bass。

– 一个机架扩展中的八种经典贝斯乐器 – 包括 Fender Jazz 和 Precision、Rickenbacker、Les Paul 等
– 具有高级动态和专用表达控制的直观界面
– 四个自定义单块效果器,包括 EQ、压缩、失真和合唱效果,专为低音处理而设计
– 模拟模拟放大器能够处理和放大声音
– 下载大小:3.7 GB

您需要 R2R Reason 版本和
TEAM R2R Reason 机架扩展
缓存生成器 v1.1.0 或更高版本。

恰当的 :
这包含有效的 R2RRECACHE。


Reason Electric Bass is a powerful Rack Extension that delivers everything you need to easily create dynamic, responsive, believable bass lines in Reason. Quickly find the right sound with an arsenal of meticulously sampled vintage and contemporary electric bass guitars. Reason Electric Bass is the ultimate tool for laying down the low-end-guaranteed to get your feet moving, whatever your genre.

Reason Electric Bass combines eight classic bass instruments in one Rack Extension-including the Fender Jazz and Precision, Rickenbacker, Les Paul and more. Each instrument in Reason Electric Bass was painstakingly recorded using multiple microphones and dedicated bass amp setups to give you full control of your bass sound. Choose from 50 presets for modern funk, classic rock and experimental bass, or create your own custom signal chains using analog modeled amplifiers, cabs, stomp-boxes, microphones and preamps.

Create natural sounding riffs, licks and fills with advanced dynamics and articulation using Reason Electric Bass’s intuitive interface. Instantly bring life to your basslines with dedicated expression controls for sampled ghost notes, fret noise and glissandos. You don’t need a bass, you don’t need an amp and you don’t need finger skills-the only thing you need is Reason Electric Bass.

– Eight classic bass instruments in one Rack Extension-including the Fender Jazz and Precision, Rickenbacker, Les Paul and more
– Intuitive interface with advanced dynamics and dedicated expression controls for articulation
– Four custom stomp-boxes including EQ, Compression, Distortion and Chorus effects designed for bass processing
– Analog modeled amplifier capable of processing and reamping the sound
– Download size: 3.7 GB

A witch says,
You need R2R Reason release and
TEAM R2R Reason Rack Extension
Cache Builder v1.1.0 or higher.

This contains working R2RRECACHE.

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