Team DECiBEL | 16 Dec 2021 | 2.07GB each
推出 ESSENCE – 为现代制作人提供的大量、多样的全新精美鼓样本、合成器和声音设计工具。
提供 10 个(是的 10!)全新样本包 – 由我们屡获殊荣的声音设计团队无可挑剔地录制、设计和策划 – ESSENCE 提供多样化的组合,包括 7,500 个经过创造性处理的现代鼓样本、史诗般的电影音效、尘土飞扬的拟音鼓和有机打击乐器、丰富的合成器多重采样、低保真 SP-1200 鼓、最深沉的一次击球、古怪的鼓机和节奏盒、创意声音设计工具等等——以及 WAV 版本和功能丰富的 Ableton Live Packs在包含的 10 个示例包中…
ESSENCE 是 2021 年黑色星期五的严格限时发行。该系列将不复存在,并且在 12 月 10 日之后或一旦售出 2,000 个许可证后将不再可用 – 以先到者为准!
ESSENCE 中包含什么?
您将可以访问以下所有 10 个新样本包(7,500 个样本):
500 个创意设计的 Found Sound 和 Foley Drums,通过精品模拟设备精心处理。期待找到创造性的有机打击乐、分层 lo-fi 底鼓、尘土飞扬的堆叠军鼓、blips 和 pops、棍子和咔嗒声、独特的声音设计以及各种用于现代音乐制作的鼓舞人心的分层拟音鼓!一个必不可少的创意工具宝库……
10 个标志性合成器、1,600 个样本、65 个独特的即用型音色。
Midnight Drive 从现有最抢手的复古和现代模拟合成器中提供精美录制的多采样音色:
Minimoog Model D、Roland Juno-6、Juno-106、Jupiter 8、Korg MS-20、Moog One、Prophet 5、Prophet 6、Pro One、VCS3、Taurus 低音踏板等等…
期待找到厚实的贝司、神圣的垫子、飙升的主音、郁郁葱葱的弦乐、和弦以及介于两者之间的一切。所有这些都通过一流的模拟设备捕获,并可以在您的 DAW 中播放!
期待找到 200 次巨大的冲击、电影般的碰撞、令人毛骨悚然的立管、无底坠落、爆炸性故障、可怕的 Braams、突变的钹、过渡、创造性的噪音工具等等!
通过老式贝司/吉他放大器、优美的原声鼓室和现场空间录制的各种电子鼓样本和打击乐器;所有这些都是通过定制的 Neve 桌子用老式的、广受欢迎的麦克风捕获的。
结果 – 一个真正独特的混合电声鼓样本集合,模糊了人和机器的界限。一个真正独特的收藏!
808 低音
用于现代音乐制作的 808 低音单拍和即用型乐器的强悍合集。
与大多数 808 低音采样包不同,每个 808 都设计有长衰减(循环播放并立即播放)。每个声音都是使用模拟和模块化合成器、真正的 TR-808 等从头开始创建的(这里没有采样!)。我们甚至通过真正的低音放大器录制了一些声音,以获得在其他地方找不到的独特音调。所有声音都是通过精品外置设备录制的,既干净又通过肮脏的模拟电子管饱和链进行严肃处理!
模拟 RYTM 鼓
捕捉我们有史以来最喜欢的鼓机之一 – Elektron Analog RYTM 的独特声音特征。
我们的目标是提供从这个现代经典中录制的最通用、精心策划的鼓精选集。结果 – 1,500 个设计精美、震撼的模拟鼓样本。
用于现代音乐制作的 100 种创意贝斯一键式,所有这些都可以在您最喜欢的采样器中播放…
经典的数字鼓机,例如 Linn LM-1 或 Oberheim DX,是电子音乐史上的主要产品。我们对 Acoustic Machine 的目标是捕捉这些经典机器的声音氛围和精髓,但带有全新的声音。
我们开始参观世界上最好的鼓室之一。在这里,我们精心录制了几个独特的原声架子鼓、大量的拉丁打击乐器、积木、铃铛、拍手等 – 全部录制到模拟磁带上。
接下来,我们采购了一个改进的 EMU SP-1200 采样器,并将所有鼓通过其坚韧不拔的转换器,记录了 8 个 SP-1200 音高变化(真的很脏!),以及每个声音 9 个不同的 SP-1200 模拟滤波器级别。结果 – 2,500 个全新的鼓带来了昔日的氛围和感觉!
迷你流行乐 7 鼓
60 年代罕见的老式模拟鼓机,因让-米歇尔·雅尔 (Jean-Michel Jarre) 的“氧气”而闻名。我们采购了经过精美修复的 Mini Pops 7,并着手以真正的 Wave Alchemy 风格捕捉这台机器;每个声音都有多个循环和 3 个不同级别的独特模拟电子管饱和度。一段历史的真实声音。
– 10 个全新的 24 位 Wav 格式样本包
– 10 个功能丰富的 Ableton Live Pack,带有宏和完全推送集成
– 7,500 个 24 位 wav,100% 免版税样本
– 3 GB(包括 Ableton 包为 6 GB)创造性制作的样本内容
– 准备播放 Ableton Live、Logic EXS-24 和 Kontakt 的采样器补丁
– Ableton Live Pack 包含 WAV 样本,按项目组织。
Introducing ESSENCE – A vast, diverse collection of all-new beautifully crafted drum samples, synths and sound design tools for the modern producer.
Delivering 10 (yes 10!) brand new sample packs – impeccably recorded, designed and curated by our award-winning sound design team – ESSENCE serves up a diverse portfolio of 7,500 creatively processed modern drum samples, epic cinematic sound effects, dusty foley drums and organic percussion, lush synth multi-samples, lo-fi SP-1200 drums, the deepest bass one shots, quirky drum machines & rhythm boxes, creative sound design tools and much more – alongside WAV versions and feature-rich Ableton Live Packs for each of the 10 included sample packs…
ESSENCE is a strictly time limited release for Black Friday 2021. This collection will cease to exist and never again be available after December 10th, or once 2,000 licenses have been sold – whichever comes first!
What’s included in ESSENCE?
You’ll get access to ALL the following 10 new sample packs (7,500 samples):
Foley Drums
500 creatively designed Found Sound and Foley Drums, lovingly processed through boutique analogue gear. Expect to find creative organic percussion, layered lo-fi kicks, dusty stacked snares, blips & pops, sticks & clicks, unique sound design and all manner of inspirational layered Foley drums for modern music production! An essential treasure trove of creative tools…
Cinema Drums
Breathtaking epic cinematic drums and percussion. A world where creative acoustic drums and large percussion swim in lush reverbs and expansive spaces.
Expect to find thrilling snares and kicks, monstrous mallets, strikes and stomps, orchestral drums, gongs, bowed cymbals and otherworldly crashes, cinematic toms, organic percussion, group handclaps and more…
Midnight Drive
10 iconic synthesizers, 1,600 samples, 65 unique ready-to-play patches.
Midnight Drive delivers beautifully recorded multi-sampled patches from the most sought-after vintage and modern analogue synths in existence:
Minimoog Model D, Roland Juno-6, Juno-106, Jupiter 8, Korg MS-20, Moog One, Prophet 5, Prophet 6, Pro One, VCS3, Taurus Bass Pedals and more…
Expect to find chunky basses, divine pads, soaring leads, lush strings, chords and everything in between. All captured through a-grade analogue gear, and ready-to-play in your DAW!
Sound Effects Suite
An exhilarating collection of forward-thinking sound effects for modern music production, cinematic sound design and game audio!
Expect to find 200 colossal impacts, cinematic collisions, hair-raising risers, bottomless falls, explosive breakdowns, monstrous braams, mutated cymbals, transitions, creative noise tools and much more!
Amp Drums
An entirely new, creative approach to drum sampling.
A diverse collection of electronic drum samples and percussion recorded through vintage bass / guitar amps, beautiful sounding acoustic drum rooms and live spaces; all captured with vintage, sought-after microphones via a custom Neve desk.
The result – A truly unique collection of hybrid, electro-acoustic drum samples that blur the line human and machine. A truly unique collection!
808 Bass
A hard-hitting collection of 808 bass one shots and ready-to-play instruments for modern music production.
Unlike most 808 bass sample packs, each 808 has been designed with a long decay (looped and instantly playable). Each sound was created from the ground up (no sampling here!) using analogue and modular synths, a real TR-808 and more. We even recorded some of the sounds through real bass amps for a unique tone not found elsewhere. All sounds have been recorded through boutique outboard gear, both clean and via a dirty analogue tube saturation chain for serious grit!
Analog RYTM Drums
Capturing the unique sonic character of one of our favourite drum machines of all time – the Elektron Analog RYTM.
Our goal was the deliver the most versatile, well curated collection of drum hits ever recorded from this modern classic. The result – 1,500 beautifully designed, hard-hitting analogue drum samples.
Each sound has been carefully recorded using a unique, high-end signal chain to capture the depth and character of the original machine; all tastefully processed on a sound-by-sound basis using a boutique selection of analogue outboard gear.
Bass One shots
100 creative bass one shots for modern music production, all ready-to-play in your favorite sampler…
Expect to find gritty analogue synth bass, epic live hybrid brass sections, designed bass guitars, the deepest subs, cinematic bass stabs, and much more!
Acoustic Machine
The Linndrum that never existed…
Classic digital drum machines such as the Linn LM-1 or Oberheim DX are a staple in the history of electronic music. Our goal with Acoustic Machine was to capture the sonic vibe and essence of these classic machines, but with brand new sounds.
We set off by visiting one of the finest drum rooms in the world. Here we carefully recorded several unique acoustic drum kits, a plethora of Latin percussion instruments, blocks, bells, handclaps and more – all to analogue tape.
Next, we sourced a modified EMU SP-1200 sampler and passed all the drums through its gritty converters, recording eight SP-1200 pitch variations (truly dirty!), and 9 varying SP-1200 analogue filter levels per sound. The result – 2,500 brand new drums that deliver the vibe and feel of yesteryear!
Mini Pops 7 Drums
A rare vintage analogue drum machine from the 60’s, made famous by Jean-Michel Jarre’s ‘Oxygen’. We sourced a beautifully restored Mini Pops 7 and set out to capture this machine in true Wave Alchemy style; each sound with multiple round robins and 3 varying levels of unique analogue tube saturation. The true sound of a piece of history.
At a glance
– 10 brand new Sample Packs in 24-bit Wav format
– 10 feature-rich Ableton Live Packs with Macros and full Push integration
– 7,500 24-bit wav, 100% royalty free samples
– 3 GB (6 GB including Ableton Packs) of creatively produced sample content
– Ready to Play sampler patches for Ableton Live, Logic EXS-24 and Kontakt
– Ableton Live Pack contains WAV samples, organised per project.
– MULTiFORMAT contains WAV, NKI, and EXS formats.