Team R2R | 2022.01.01 | 562.99 MB
Greg Hawkes (Cars) 和 Perry Geyer (Manufacture) 的 Hypnotica 充满了新鲜的声音、尖端的纹理、恍惚和环境循环、FX、令人兴奋的扫掠、银河噪音、催眠序列和神奇的声音,为您的下一个狂欢准备。
Hypnotica 具有完整的音景、环境氛围、电子采样和保持、反向 FX、噪音
循环、水下纹理、电子民族声音、环形调制、液体音频、激光扫描、起飞、平移、白噪声 FX、低频序列、振荡器、android 心跳、
无人机、尖叫声、合成器哔哔声、星际纹理等。 Orb 遇见伦敦的未来之声:神奇的神秘之旅!
Hypnotica from Greg Hawkes (Cars) and Perry Geyer (Manufacture) is loaded with fresh-sounding, cutting-edge textures, trance and ambient loops, FX, mind-blowing sweeps, galactic noises, hypnotic sequences and magical sounds for your next rave.
Hypnotica features complete soundscapes, ambient atmospheres, electronic sample-and-hold, reverse FX, noise
loops, underwater textures, electronic ethnic voices, ring modulation, liquid audio, laser sweeps, takeoffs, pans, white noise FX, low frequency sequences, oscillators, android heartbeats,
drones, screams, synth bleeps, intergalactic textures, etc. Orb meets Future Sound Of London: a magical mystery tour!