FANTASTiC | 27 January 2022 | 677 MB
包括 20 首完整的旋律(总共 60 多个循环)。 所有循环都是 100% 免版税!!
这些 Loop 风格各异,无论何时需要灵感,都可以成为您的首选。 有充满活力的陷阱循环以及美丽的 lofi 音乐安排。 灵感包括 Frank Dukes、Travis Scott、Denzel Curry、Joyner Lucas、Cubeatz 等。
所有文件都是高质量的WAV。 (需要 800Mb 硬盘空间)
Includes 20 Full Melodies with Track Outs (60+ Loops in total). All loops are 100% Royalty-Free!!
The loops range in style which will be a go-to for you whenever you need an inspiration. There are energetic trap loops as well as beautiful lofi musical arrangements. Inspirations include Frank Dukes, Travis Scott, Denzel Curry, Joyner Lucas, Cubeatz etc..
All files are high-quality WAV. (800Mb Hard Drive Space Required)